
Im not clotting in my period?

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I always have clot sence i remember having my period..

but this time i got it one day late and throughout my whole period

its been bright red..with no clot what so ever...i was wondering what could it be??...or is it normal not to have clotting?...

[[Even though i have been having Unprotected s*x could that have something to do with it?...(not on my period but prev.)]]




  1. It just happens sometimes.  I've had that happen.  It is sort of freaky when you aren't used to it, isn't it?

    If it gets especially heavy you might consider calling your doctor but I wouldn't worry about it at this point.  Sounds normal to me.

  2. You have never clotted on your period, menstrual blood does not contain the same platelets as blood (it would be detrimental to menstruation if it did) thus menstrual blood does not clot. What you were seeing was larger pieces of your uterus, which is what breaks-down during menstruation, sometimes these pieces are larger than other times and sometimes you will not see these ‘clots’ – I’m guessing that you use either tampons or pads, if you were using a menstrual cup you’d be able to see most of your menstrual flow is made up of these little bits of uterus lining, it’s just the larger bits you notice.

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