
Im not getting enought breast milk what would u recommend?

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to drink so i can get more




  1. Nurse more often to build up your supply.  If your child doesn't want to nurse more, try pumping in between feedings.   The more your baby nurses, the more milk you will produce.

  2. How do you know???  How old is your baby??  Are you checking wet diapers??  

    So many women think they aren't making enough milk when in all acutuallity they are...  Please don't judge your supply by pumping..  Many women don't pump nearly as much as their babies get when they nurse..  It's our bodies natural response to our baby nursing.

  3. Hi there there are a few things you can try:

    *Water – always make sure to get plenty of water during your breastfeeding or breast pumping experience. If you need a way to increase breast milk supply, you will be surprised just how quickly your supply will increase when you getting plenty of water in your system.

    *Fenugreek – you may probably find that this will increase breast milk supply within 1-2 days. In addition, it is very simple when taking the capsule form.

    *Eat oatmeal

    *Relaxation – you will be shocked that once you begin to relax while breastfeeding or your pumping sessions, just how much more milk you will begin to have. If pumping, one of the most important thing – do not look at the breast milk while you are pumping.

    *Sleep – Everyone says to get enough sleep, but what new mother gets enough sleep during those first weeks after the baby is born.

    *Mother’s Milk Tea – you may find that this tea will begin to increase breast milk supply in about 2-3 days. Some moms have even said that it helps their baby with gas and colic.

    *Breastfreed or Pump more frequently

    I hope this helps.

  4. Drink more water, and try and feed and pump more. The more you use, the more you make. Good luck!

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