
Im not on a lease i cant pay this months rent how long do i have after asked to leave?

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Im not on a lease i cant pay this months rent how long do i have after asked to leave?




  1. make arrangements otherwise you have thirty days for eviction

  2. without a lease it's up to the landlord. depending on how long you lived there and your landlord you should get some grace period, so i'd say you have anywhere from a few days to a couple weeks to move out once you have been asked....just be glad they asked you rather than just throwing your stuff out and posting a 2nd eviction notice on your door. if you had a lease and they gave you the first eviction notice(unlike my landlord) you have 30 days to leave.

  3. Generally, you will be served with a Notice to (Pay or) Quit. The number of days you have move out varies by state, 3-15.

    Once that notice has expired, if you still remain the eviction process will begin. once started, you have anywhere from 3 weeks - 1 month before the court will order you out.

  4. I would say get out as soon as you can.  It's not fair to whoever has the lease, because the are probably counting on your money to pay the rent.  Be fair.

  5. Work something out with the landlord.  Technically if you don't have a lease, you have to leave whenever the landlord tells you.  If you make a deal for a week, you get a week.

  6. So are you staying there with a friend, or is this just a verbal agreement of some sort.  If this is a verbal agreement with the landlord then you are a tenant without a written lease and the landlord will have to give you proper notice and then evict you (this will take 30 days minimum, maybe alot more).

    If you are just staying there and the landlord is not a party to this agreement (ie legally you have no right to be there its just through a friends good will), then you may have no right to be there and the friend can pretty much just toss you out or call the police calling you a trespasser.

  7. As with almost all questions of landlord tenant law, it depends on what state you live in.  Here in Washington, you would be presumed to have a verbal month-to-month agreement even if there is no lease.  The person you pay rent to could give you a 3-day notice for non-payment of rent.  If you're trying to squeeze all the squatters rights out of the person who gave you a place to stay, you'll have to tell us where you live.

  8. um.. 3 or 4 months.

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