
Im not on the pill, but i took 3 of them after s*x...?

by  |  earlier

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hey, im not on the pill, but over a month ago i had unprotected s*x a couple times with my ex. My friend told me to just take her last 3 pills to try & decrease the chance of concieving. well, im 2 weeks late for my period now, but the urine tests ive taken have all come back negative. is it possible the pills delayed my period? the last test i took was 2 days ago.




  1. It doesn't work like that, if you really didn't want to be pregnant you should have gone to your local pharmacy and bought the morning after pill. You could be pregnant, or your cycle could be messed up because you took 3 pills at the same time. You need to go to the Dr. and have a blood test done, but more than likely it is due to the fact that you took those 3 pills.

  2. well thats stupid.

  3. they dont work like that u cant just take 3 at once and think u wont get pregnant!

  4. Your friend was wrong, wrong, and wrong!

    I bet you're pregnant.  If you're not, get yourself on birth control pills or the shot immediately!  If you ever find yourself in this situation again, don't rely on your friend's advice - go to the pharmacy for the morning after pill!

    Good luck!

  5. That is not the way the pill works at all and if your friend who is ON THE PILL doesn't realize that then she is a complete bubblehead.  Three pills aren't going to do a d**n thing.

  6. you can not get pregnant from taking 3 birthcontrol pills what are you talking about? & the last pills are sugar pills which are bascially nothing.

  7. Silly idea, that medication was not prescribed for you and your friend is irresponsible for giving it to you.

    The pill will be playing with your insides, and depending on which brand you have ingested, it could be tricking your body into thinking it is pregnant.

    This isn't worth playing with, go see your doctor and tell him/her what you did, they can give you correct advice and do a pregnancy test if you still don't get a period.  

  8. Hello,

    Those who play sometines pay.

    You are going to be a mother in about nine months.

  9. Wow. You have to be on the pill for at least a month consistently for it to even work, and you think 3 in one shot would do the job??? Thank goodness it doesn't sound like you are pregnant, you need to educate yourself a bit more and quit having unprotected s*x. It probably did mess up your cycle, or you could still be pregnant. Go get a blood test done and please don't punish the world with a spawn of yourself.

  10. Yes it could delay your period, and the react may be similar to Plan B, but this is a much stronger dose than what you took, So there is a possibility you are pregnant as EPT will not always detect a pregnancy. You can get false negatives. Next time you even think about this, obtain the actual Plan B as you can take it within 72 hours after having unprotected s*x.  

  11. tell your friend shes stupid. you have to take the pills consistently for at least two weeks for them to have an effect. i dont beleive they can s***w up your period when you only took three all together. its possible you are pregnant. if you find out for sure your not i hope you have learned your lesson and protect yourself anyway you can i.e with the pill AND condoms even with both it is not 100% effective.

  12. if you weren't on the pill and took 3 that is alot of estrogen now in you body while sperm is searching to fertilize an egg all that extra estrogen probably made your chances HIGHER even when taking the pill you shouldn't have unprotected s*x cause the first month or so you very fertile do some research before having s*x and don't take advice from you friends next time

  13. yes they could have taken you off track by a few weeks

  14. You are a complete idiot.  I hope you ARE pregnant.  Take 3, 4, or 1000 pills after s*x will not stop you from getting pregnant you moron.  Haha, this is just tooooooo funny.  Wow.

  15. You can still be pregnant. But the pills most likely slowed your period to a short stop because of all f the hormones you just ingested. (you took 3 months worth in one day)

    the tests show negative, so I'd say your fine for now.

    Set up an appointment at your local free clinic. It is free, confidential, and your parents never have to find out.

    Good luck :]

  16. I think you have been very foolish to have unprotected s*x, and s*x with your EX (I'm assuming he is an ex for a good reason?) and have no clue about reproduction, Do yourself a big favor and EDUCATE yourself about reproduction, about preventing pregnancy/ RESPECT YOURSELF by doing these things, and  stay clear of your ex.

  17. Both ways.. the pills could have worked and you are just delayed from them or they didn't work and you could possibly be pregnant. It really depends on how your body is acting. Sorry I can't give you the exact answer.


  18. i do this all the time, its just like the morning after pill. Its totally cool, ur not preg, chill girly!

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