
Im not sure but i know i need help?heres my symptoms...?

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racing thoughts.

spurts of random energy-restlessness

lashing out randomly

uncontrolable anger

over eating

uncontrolable crying


unable to get a job because i cannot work around people because i get mad easily and freak out.

there are more symptoms but what do you think




  1. Sounds like you have a lot of unresolved anger, perhaps something traumatic has happened to you?

    Once you face your demons with a psychiatrist or psychologist you will find release for your pent up emotions.

    If this is not the case then I agree with the other posters, there could be something chemically wrong with your brain, eg bi polar.

  2. Hey friend,

             You are really sick, 3 times a week getting depressed is not a normal thing and as you said u also get raged very frequently it is really something serious which is to be taken care and to be noticed. Why cant you visit a Psychyatrist and get the help from him? Remember onething as you said u get raged very frequently sometimes in that anger you may even hurt some of your closeones also with your anger words which make a lot of pain to them and u may lose them too. So its better you say everything to ur parents and am sure that you will surely get rid off all these symptoms..

    I wish you all the best..

  3. i think when you get racing thoughts and rage and uncontrolable crying, its like your having an anxiety attack, but the other symptoms sound like bi-polar, you should go to a shrink or to a regular doctor and see what they think about it.

  4. I am going to diagnose you as a possibly minorly bi-polar, which causes random mood swings depending on thoughts and experiences, I know, and I have had many friends who confide in me that they are bipolar, I am totally okay with those people,and try to help them. There is a simple way to fix your problem, take prescription medication that reduces the strength of brain-waves, effectively reducing such mood swings. I suggest you may even not have bipolar syndrome and may just be extremely stressed out, take my advice, go spend some time away from the world, take a break, take a vacation, go to your calm place.

  5. bi-polar mania   same thing i have

  6. Possibly mania/hypomania, but only really if you also get depressed sometimes

    There are probably other causes, but this sounds like me when I get hypomanic

  7. Maybe Bipolar.  Bipolar disorder causes extreme highs and lows.  It could also be borderline personality disorder, which is soon to be name emotional dysregulation disorder.  It is hard to tell, and you should seek the help of a mental health professional.  It could all also be signs of depression, as many people become very irritable and angry when they feel depressed.  I would bank on Bipolar though.  

  8. it sounds like in the bipolar area... or your Irish like me ^^

  9. See bipolar disorder, at ezy build, below, in section 10, and take the quiz, if unsure, and if the results are positive, ensure you get an expert diagnosis from a mental health professional, not doctors, who are much better dealing with physical ailments, and don't diagnose complex disorders like bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and borderline personality disorder often enough to develop any real expertise.

              Bipolar disorder usually involves major mood swings, which occur without apparent cause, and often over many months, or a matter of years, rather than days, as with most people (unless rapid cycling). I'd take 4 Omega 3 fish oil supplements daily, replacing 2 of them with cod liver oil supplements in the winter months, (or, as probably a better alternative to the 2 cod liver oil supplements: 1 teaspoonful of cod liver oil, with a little butter, to ensure its use; I take mine on sourdough rye bread, or toast, covered with fishpaste, and pepper, to mask the strong taste). Those people who receive adequate exposure to sunlight, daily, won't need the vitamin D from cod liver oil, but many people, particularly those in latitudes far from the equator, find this difficult, to achieve.

             If you decide to use allopathy, (modern Western medicine) I recommend trying Lithium Carbonate, or Lithium Citrate. (regular tests are necessary, for these) before trying the other mood stabilisers, but if you aren't good at taking medications regularly, drinking adequate water, and keeping up your salt intake, something else, such as  Lamictal,  or Depakote, may suit you better. Check out "lithium"  at, and and always research medications first, (read, and keep the labels/information sheets) so you will be aware of the risks, and on the lookout for side effects. (Personally, if I wasn't bipolar type 1, and didn't experience hallucinations, or serious delusional states, I know I'd first try the orthomolecular, and Omega 3 fish oil supplements, vitamins, minerals; a herbal remedy, and a mostly raw food diet, for several months. Note: St. John's wort, and also antidepressants, may cause mania, or hypomania, in people with bipolar disorder. I'd aso eat in accordance with my "nutritional type". Enter that term in the searchbar at  

             If not considerably improved, after a maximum of 6 months trial period, consult your primary mental health care provider: you may be one of those who need medications to prevent this serious disorder from worsening.  If you have bipolar type 1, an antipsychotic medication may also be needed. Everyone should take the Omega 3 supplements, or preferably "krill oil" for its other health benefits: use the searchbar at . Some people refuse medication, using supplements, and a selective, mostly raw food diet (I do not recommended trying this, if bipolar 1, unless you aren't troubled by hallucinations, or delusional states).

             Maintain the treatments for the depressive phase, in section 2, at:  Some topics in section 10 include: treating bipolar disorder with supplements, vitamins, minerals, and herbal remedies (except for St. John's wort, which may cause mania, or hypomania).  As with all medications, there are risks, and the possibility of side effects, which is why I inform people of the alternatives, to see if they can cope sufficiently well, without resorting to medications or, at least use less of them. Don't use medications and supplements together, without medical advice, except for Omega 3, which is safe, anytime. Anger management: section 4, at ezy build: see page C first. Also see section 56, and practice daily, one of the relaxation methods in section 2, 2.c, 11, or 2.i

    If it varies with your menstrual cycle, see sections 19, and 48.

  10. I'm thinking bi-polar, or perhaps you have too much estrogen? Is this recent, or has it been like this forever?

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