
Im not sure how to handle this...please help (sorry so long)?

by  |  earlier

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my situation is pretty complicated. but to make a very long story short, i live with my older brother because my mom decided that she'd rather have the drugs, men and alcohol than have her own kids. she calls maybe once a month to see how we're doing but thats it. it's just been me and my brother(and occasionally his girlfriend) for a long time now and he has a great job and makes a ton of money, much more than most people his age(he's 22, im 14) and i like it just the two of us. he takes great care of me. the thing is, my mom is back in town because she needed a place to stay. my brother said she couldnt stay with us at our house for whatever his reasons are. so he suggested a hotel but she has no credit card or money. and my brother sure as heck wasnt about to give her his credit card. so finally she begged and he told her she could stay for 2 weeks tops and then she has to find another place. the thing is, now that she's staying with us for a few days, she thinks she can be my mom again and give me new rules and tell me what to do and stuff. like today, my brother told me before he went to work that i can go to the fair with my friends if i wanted as long as i was home by a certain time because he had to take me to the dentist. well when i was about to leave, my mom wouldnt let me go because i didnt load the dishwasher like she told me to. i told her that Chris(my bro) said i could go but she wouldnt let me go. so just to make her happy, i loaded and started the dishwasher. but she wouldnt let me leave. she blocked the door so i couldnt get out! i told her she's not my boss and i didnt have to listen to her anymore and i was going anyway.then she dragged me to my room and made me stay there. she freakin "grounded" me for disrespecting and talking back to her. i mean she's still my mom and i still but im not sure i have much respect for her after what she's done. i dont think she has the right to tell me what to do. i donk know how to deal with this. im afraid im gonna really freak out and then get in trouble with my brother, the one who really matters. what should i do?




  1. when your brother gets home tell him to get rid of her immedietly.

  2. your best bet would be to just try to tolerate her while shes there. shell be gone soon. but i would have NO respect AT ALL if my mom ever did that. I wouldnt have even let her stay for a day if i was your brother

  3. okay ive gone through similar stuff, like living with a boyfriend and having my mom think that after shes been pretty much out of my life for 3 or so years she can act like "mommy" and treat me like im 5 again. my tip in your situation would be to talk to your brother, hes been caring for you for a while now it sounds and there fore should be in charge, you could also file for emancipation or adoption, depending on weather you want your brother to be your legal gaurdian or if you would rather be your own. both would have to go through the courts and probubly take a few months at least. anouther option (would be more so up to your brother) is to see about taking your mom to a homeless or womens shelter. she would qualify and they would also try to help keep her off the drugs.  

  4. 1st ur mom needs to understand that you've pretty much lost all respect for her and she needs to earn it back. until then both of you wont respond well. tolerate it until big bro(Chris) gives her the boot. or till 2 weeks is up.  

    alternative: B*tch slap her!

  5. falcon punch would be your best bet if that doesnt work a barrel roll should suffice.

  6. ever learned how to jump out a window, I suggest when your brother has to leave, have him drop you off at a friend's on the way there. Tell him first though.

  7. Who is your legal guardian?  Your mom or your brother?

    Talk to your brother about what happened today.  Let him and your mom work it out on who has the right to discipline and correct you.

    ANd be patient, your brother told her 2 weeks.. so hopefull she will be OUT of there soon!

  8. Awwwwwwwwww honey I am so sorry!! Ist you did right by just doing what she said to keep the peace but can you call your bro? tell him whats going on? I understand the respect thing but she needs to EARN it!! do not get into a physical altercation with her but tell her she hasn't been around and your brother is your parent now and you Will do as he says as he is the one who supports you and takes care of you!

    Please tell your brother first thou I'd hate to get you in trouble....

    I'm praying for you!Please talk to your brother that she is an addict and the behaviour of an addict is to create havoc wherever they are...

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