
Im not sure if I ran a red light?!?

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Ok so I was on my way home and there was an lighted inersection and when the light turned yellow i didn't have enough time to stop (and I was especially scared because I just got rear ended previously and didn't want it to happen for stopping too fast) but not enough time to make it through the light so I speeded up and about when I was half way under(maybe a little morre?) I saw the light change red over me at the last second but I don't know if that counts as running a red light or not because Im only sixteen and haven't been driving for long. But the thing is there was a car a tiny bit behind me (like the front of their car was parrellel to the back of mine) and they did stop at the light. How far under the light do you have to be in order to consider it running a red light?




  1. Technically I suppose you did not--but it doesn't matter as the the first car (crossing you) who was ready to step on gas paddle can, and this happens often, take off without looking to see if there is still a car inside the intersection. You think rear-ended is bad--to be hit on the side is quite nasty (I have witnessed it once)--and I think my heart skipped a beat.

    Don't forget too that there may be one or two cars ready to turn in front of you--they're waiting for the lights to turn red. And if you're in the way, that's a head on. Pretty nasty, too.

    I think you need more hours under your wings--and since you recently got rear-ended (your fault or not), it's prone to happen again if you are in a hurry to get somewhere.

    It really is better to be a few minutes late than being read about in the newspaper the next day.

    It happens all the time when someone so young (and inexperienced) is behind the wheel. This is why the insurance rate is so high for someone in their teens. Boys are usually more hot blooded than girls but nevertheless it's a bomb ready to go off.

  2. Hi,

    this may not be completely accurate, but it is my understanding that if you were already in the intersection before the light turned red then you were obligated to continue through the intersection and were not running the red light.

    however, laws do change.

  3. You did the right thing! If you are already partially through the intersection and the light turns red, keep going!  You don't want to STOP in the MIDDLE of an intersection!  Usually to get a written warning or ticket, you have to blatantly run a red. For example: You come to stop light and you don't stop at all. That is "running a red light."

    You also did the right thing in driving safely!

    Congrats on the DL!

  4. I'm sixteen, did the SAME thing. It's up to the individual perspective.

  5. you ran a red light. yup.

  6. my mom got pulled over for that. and the funny thing is, a cop was right behind her and went under the same red light and puller her over for it. seems messed up.

  7. if you were crossing and the light turned red

    but you were already close to passing the

    light entirely its alright. but have in mind

    that if cops are around and really need to

    lay a ticket on someone they will say

    that you ran a red light.

  8. No it wouldn't count as running a red light. In many cities there are red light cameras that take a picture of your plates if the light turns red while you are crossing the intersection line. Then they send you a ticket to the address of the person who had the plates registered. If it's yellow after you cross the intersection line and you are going too fast to stop, you should not stop. You did the right thing and probably avoided an accident.

  9. If the light was yellow and you had ample time to safely stop before entering the intersection and you proceeded through, even SPED UP, then you absolutely ran a red light.

    If a cop sees the front hood of a vehicle pop up slightly, that indicates an acceleration towards a yellow light.  Even if the light is red as you're passing below, it's illegal.

    You totally ran a red light.

  10. You have to be half way through the intersection. If you thought you could make it, you thought you could make it. Its your perspective, but if you didn't get pulled over and no accidents occurred then obviously it was alright. Its going to happen no matter how cautious you are, trust me I was scared the first time I ran a red light too.

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