
Im not sure if i am preg or not, if so it will be 3 wks. could i have an abortion & not have my parents know?

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im not sure if i am pregnant or not, if so, i would be three weeks along. could i get an abortion with out my parents knowing?




  1. First you need to findout if you are even pregnant, secondly to talk to you parents about your situation. Aborting is not an answer or resolution it is a coward way to backout of something you got yourself into. Don't have s*x if you can't take responisibility for the outcomes. Abortion is something I could have never forgiven myself for, after seeing an ultrasound of my baby when I was only 6 weeks along, she had legs, arm nubs and a heartbeat. It IS a baby you are killing. See it for yourself before making your decision.

  2. FIRST, you should make pregnancy test and check if you are pregnant

    SECOND, DEPENDING ON YOUR AGE - some doctors can help you without informing your parents

    THIRD, there is very safe medical abortion with mifepriston (just tablets!) - read more below

  3. First of all, relax. Take your best friend and go to a planned parenthood. They will give you an abortion and give you the pill or a diaphragm. It would be nice if your parents knew, but if you are too afraid, then just go with a friend.

  4. It would be hard for your parents not to know completely. Because after having an abortion you can have very mixed emotions from hormones and the experience.

    But you can go to a planned parenthood place.

  5. dont abort!!

  6. Yes you can have an abortion without your parents it is completly confidential, but it is nice to have someone there with you like a friend, or trustworthy adult like your parents.

  7. yes planned parent hood  

  8. Do you KNOW what happens during an abortion?  Sometimes the doctor withdraws the amniotic fluid and injects a saline (salt) solution that the baby draws into his lungs, it burns out the lung tissue, and the salt burns off his skin, this is how he dies. If you are further along in the pregnancy, the doctor crushes the baby's skull with surgical pliers, then cuts him into pieces while he is inside of you, then withdraws the cut-up baby, piece by piece.  This is not a sick joke, it is true, research it yourself, since I know you probably won't believe it.  Are you really sure this is what you want to do to your own baby?  This is what is called a "partial-birth" abortion.  Talk to your parents, no matter how hard it is.  That is what they are there for, to help you with things that are too difficult for you to handle alone. This must be a terrible thing to try and handle without help from someone who loves you, and is very concerned about your welfare.  Think how having an abortion will affect your mind for the rest of your life, you will never be able to forget what you did, regardless of what anyone tells you.

  9. yes, you can have an abortion at 3 weeks, and one of my friends had an abortion and her parents havent found out, she went with her cousin and no1 found out. good look sweet :)

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