
I;m not sure if i kitten had her vaccinations??

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Shes turning 4 months old in a week (her info was on the collar), and when we found her she actual had a collar with a phone number and when we called them it seemed like they moved (i dont she was abonden because shes already potty trained and very sweet). And i'm not sure if she had her vaccinations...what would happen if she got double vaccination because i jut want to make sure shes immune????

- also random question what that song where in the beginning a guy like "shes a kind of girl i wanna mary". :D




  1. Well you could ask your vet, you could take the kitten to a vet or shelter and ask them to check her for a microchip that might give you some information about the originl owners or you could try and search out the owners on your own.  You could search out the owners by doing a reverse phone search to locate the previous address and the name of the person who had that #.  IF someone went through the trouble of making sure this little one had a collar with identifying information they might still be looking for her.  If you are keeping her check with the local vet.  

  2. lol I'm not sure about the song but about the cat.. take it to the vet and they will know if it had its needles and NO nothing will happen if it gets a double vaccination because something good for a cat wont be bad.

  3. It will not hurt to get a 2nd distemper & rabies vaccine - just to be safe.

    At least you will have a record of when she received them. You might want to make an appointment to have her spayed at the same time if the vet feels that she is healthy & weighs enough for anesthesia.

  4. If you're not sure about the cat's vaccination status, have her vaccinated again. It will almost never cause a problem. I say almost never, because (just like with humans) animals can always have a reaction to vaccines. But this would be a risk whether or not she had previously been vaccinated. However, the risk of this is slim and outweighed by the benefit of having a healthy kitten who is protected from disease. If she is only 4 months old, she certainly needs a rabies vaccine, at the very least (these are generally not given until 16 weeks of age). I would also recommend a feline distemper vaccine (with a booster shot 2-3 weeks later) and, if your cat goes outside, a feline leukemia vaccine (with a booster). And, think about having her dewormed, since you found her outside.

  5. She'll need to be vaccinated again anyway. Kitten immune systems are immature so they need to be vaccinated at least twice and often three times.  Any vaccination she was given will only work for about a month.  Whether she was vaccinated or not, she probably needs that last round of vaccines anyway.

    Look up the number here: and see if you get an address.  Maybe the phone got shut off or something.  If the reverse lookup leads nowhere you can feel more comfortable that you're not taking someone's pet.

    When you take her to the vet have them scan for a microchip just in case.  But then go ahead and get the vaccinations and get her dewormed.  She would have been too young for a rabies vaccine before so I doubt she's had that already.

    Good luck with her!  Try a little more to find the owners, but yeah, people will move and just leave their pets sometimes.  It's really sad.

    sorry - I've got no clue about the song

  6. Having your cat get double vaccines, assuming she already had them, shouldn't be harmless. Its just like a double dose. Its not gonna make her be twice as immune, but it won't do anything to her either (besides maker her immune :P).

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