
Im obsessed...........? :(?

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Right...This is probarbly one of the most bizzare things you'll read but believe me its true and it is not a joke...

But Im a girl, and I have these female cousins who are in their late 20s/30s and they are sisters. There are three of them. They live in Scotland, and I live in England, and I just have this obsession with them?

I have been obsessed with them since I was about 12 and I never stop thinking about them...

I try to be like them in every way and I miss them so much

Im not a L*****n. I FANCY boys, but Im just obsessed with my cousins in a strange way

They're all kinda chubbyish, and so when I was younger (i was very skinny) I started eating loads and loads just to put on wait just so I could be like them, and they have blondehair, so I started dying it blonde, tho that didnt work out...

I dunno whats wrong with me?

Ive never thought about questioning my obsession until recently.

I have never told anyone about this...

What do I do to get over my obsession?

Am I a wierdo? :(

I also should meantion that I always want to be with them, all the time

If I could be anywhere in the world right now, I would choose to be in their house..when i am with them im the happiest person without a care in the world

When I go to scotland i love it but when i am away from near where there house is i go all miserable and just want to be near them, and then i feel even worse when i have to home again it takes me days just to get the bad butterflies from my stomach because i miss them so much

Also, I get really nervous and get butterflies when Im with them...

But i DONT have a crush on them...

thats the thing...its not like fancying someone

I just have this desire to basically BE them..

and their faces are literally in my head ALL the time




  1. Most Yahoo Answerers wouldn't know the answer. Please just go see a therapist.

    ~Good Luck!

  2. it's just a deep admiration. imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. I hope that these girls are the good type (like with strong morals and sence of pride in selves and confident and that sort of thing) because then you are looking to the right kind of role model for yourself.

  3. maybe you like there home situation and want to have there lifestyles it may just be better there then where you are

  4. this is obviously something beyond your own control - you need to speak with someone- you are an individual who needs to love yourself for what you look like and who you are.  We are all born who we are but to try and be someone else just isn't going to happen.  Being cousins with them is close enough- what more could you have...loving your family and wanting to share a lot of time with them is normal but wanting to LOOK like them and BE them -- it's more psychological.  You need to give yourself a lot more credit and concentrate on who "you" are.  Be your own good self and be a good cousin, nothing more.

  5. I don't think there is anything wrong with you, I think you just admire them!  But is there something about your own situation that makes you want to be somewhere else?

    Try keeping in touch with them through phone and email, and share pictures!

  6. Well, yeah.

    This IS kinda weird.

    But I used to get that sick feeling when I had to leave MY cousins.

    I would feel like I just dropped out of a skyscraper or something.

    Like my stomach was being squeezed. You know?

    And I LOVE my cousins. I feel happiest when I'm around them + my best friend.

    But my love isn't obsession. :s

    Maybe you should like, umm...find a guy you like or something.

    I know what you're talking about.

    Sorry that doesn't really help.I just thought my MILDER form of "love" would make you feel better

  7. I don't think thats weird at all. You obviously really look up to them and they have been a big part of your life. Perhaps growing up, your time with them was the times when you felt most happy, loved, safe? Every body has people who they look up to and want to be like. But its time to look at who YOU are and recognise the great things about yourself. There are a lot of great things about you that are completely different than your cousins and you should embrace those things.  

  8. It's clear you love them. Nothing wrong with that.

    Can you go live with them?

    When I was younger, I wanted to be like Charlton Heston in 'The Ten Commandments'. I started doing push ups every day and reading the bible.

  9. Are you an only child ? you seem lonely, but i can see you really admire your cousins,that something good.Do they know about it ?

    Maybe they are your soul mates consult a psychic.

  10. I think you suffer from an "identity" crisis.  You virtually have NO identity of your own.  You ALSO suffer from low self-esteem.  I'm guessing you have NO mentor in your life.

    If you took some assertive training courses (like karate) and some "personal" training courses (like self-improvement) you'd begin to discover who YOU are; and find that you're worthy all by yourself.  That's NOT to say you wouldn't STILL have an affinity towards these women. . .but it would be a HEALTHY like of them.  Right now it's a need to IDENTIFY with SOMETHING !  And what you REALLY need to identify with. . .is YOURSELF.

    Find out who YOU are. . .then relate to these other women out of simple LIKE. . .and not WANT !  

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