
Im obsessed with thinking about my actions, how can i stop and just "do" it?

by Guest33137  |  earlier

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how do i stop thinking about HOW im doing stuff and just focus on WHAT im doing.




  1. it's good to think about you actions so you don't do bad things bad try also thinking about other things to good luck

  2. I have the same problem, it's always will i ever do this agian, or thinking deeply if that will make me happy or someone else.

    I have a writing mind i sometimes think of my life as if i was writing it on paper.  

          It's just who u are don't change.

  3. I've read that the best ways to actually do something instead of just putting it off or not doing it is to plan it out. You're probably a pretty good thinker. Try planning out what you're going to do, and when you're going to do it. This is more of a goals-oriented thing, but this may be what you're looking for.

    For example, if you're looking to be able to run a marathon in a short amount of time, you would bust out a calendar, mark today and the day the marathon is, then mark everyday with what your goal is to do. So day 5, 6, and 7 might be running for 30 minutes, day 8, 9, and 10, for an hour. You could put in test days where you see how long it takes you to run the equivalent of the marathon, and next time you test yourself you would see if you beat your time and if not, you'd have to alter your schedule.

    I don't know what actions you're talking about, but I found even with simple things this has always worked for me. Write it down!! Hope that helps!

  4. rreally JUST DO IT!!!! it may feal weird at first but thats what it takes don't think about things.  the firt time it comes to your mind jump to it no matter what it is  

  5. Work on your self-confidence first.

    Do whatever it takes to convince yourself that you are freakin awesome, and after that, what other people think about you doesn't matter as much because you know that you kick ***

  6. Like nike says, "JUST DO IT!"

    Think about other things.

  7. You are very concious abt ur actions. That's good as this will actually cut down mistakes to the minimal especially when working in high risk environment.

    Normally you should be able to stop thinking abt your actions when you're busy with something. Overload your brain with info. It's like playing some computer games, your brain will concentrate on the game instead of anything else.

  8. just relax and know that no one is focused that much on what you do so why do you need to be ? just relax dude !

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