
Im off on holiday soon and wanted to know where i could get the best deal on getting the euro?

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i have two weeks to go ,people say the post office is good to get pound changed to euro.




  1. Post office

  2. Post office and M¬S provide currency free of commission.

  3. Hi,

    This question has been asked several times over the last week. Cash & Travellers cheques are the most expensive way to get euros, whether in the UK or on holiday. You only get the tourist rate & often have to pay commission at one or both ends.

    The best rate you will get is using your debit card, it is 6-7 cents higher than the tourist rate. If you have a Nationwide debit card you pay no fees for withdrawing money abroad. If your card is with any other bank or building society ask them what their charges for withdrawing cash are (some are high)

    If your card attracts a minimum cash w/d fee as well as an exchange % make sure you take out enough at a time to meet this. Example: w/d fee of 1%, minimum £1.50, make sure you take out the equivalent of £150. You pay £1.50 for this, if you take out £50 x 3 it will cost you £4.50!

  4. Yeah the post office or marks and spencers are also good. Just don't wait til you get to the airport, it's a rip off there.

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