
Im off to Venice for a week - any tips things to visit or avoid ? also have car any good trips ? tar Pete?

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Im off to Venice for a week - any tips things to visit or avoid ? also have car any good trips ? tar Pete?




  1. Great place

    Try a trip to the Dolomites and Florence

    No need for a car use the trips on air conditioned buses

    Have fun

  2. i agree with all posted here. just will add to eat at restaurants away from piazzo san marco, very overpriced and touristy there. just wander and when you get farther away from the tourist areas you will find the most exquisite restaurants. we also would buy wind, bread and fruit from the markets and have little picnics. and try the gelato

  3. Fantastic place. Who needs a car?? A city of relaxation! Just wander about and enjoy. So many places to look at I can't even think where to start. If on a water taxi DO NOT put your feet any where near the highly polished wood trims.Thought we were going to get thrown over board! Very unhappy driver. He stopped the boat and spoke angrily in very rapid Italian - didn't have a clue what he was on about and he just about blew a gasket when my feet ended up nearer the wood than they had been in the first place. Gondola was expensive (but we were on honeymoon!) Buy a 3 day pass on the water buses - just jump on and off where you want. No mater where you go, you will find something amazing to see or enjoy.The train station is very central too so you could enjoy a bit of sight seeing around and about. Have a good trip!

  4. Don't walk the street after dark.

  5. Wonderful place, happy for you =)

    Beware the pickpockets.

  6. I liked St. Marco's Piazza. Venice is well known for its glass sculptures and carnival masks, so these may be good souvenirs.

    Tip: I went in November several years ago, and despite being off season, the hostels were packed. We eventually found a dodgy place called Archie's Rooms. So make sure you have reservations.

    Tip: Restaurants will charge you a surcharge for sitting for a meal. So if you are just going to have a quick bite, just take it to go to avoid paying this. But do sit down and enjoy a proper meal while there, too.

    Tip: you can get a water taxi to the islands and its a nice scenic view. It doesn't beat the gondola, but its nice.

    There are no cars in Venice itself, so you might have to park somewhere and take the train to the city. I don't know of any day trips from Venice, but there must be some.

  7. You won't need a car in Venice mate, just good walking shoes. If you do need to go somewhere faster, there's the vaporetto system, cheap and cheerful. Water taxis are expensive, and gondolas are only for the tourists.

    Make sure you go to the islands, they are cool. Bring a good camera because the entire city is a wonderful museum. Piazza St Marco is a must, and go up the tower for the most amazing views of the city and lagoon.

    3 good art galleries: Peggy Guggenheim's old palazzo (check out the equestrian statue with the unscrewable phallus), the Accademia and the Museum of Modern Art. Lots of churches also, and famous old buildings - hey you have a week, invest in a DK Eyewitness guide and you'll be set.

  8. The main tourist route takes you from the railway station, via Rialto Bridge to St Marks Square.  Once you've been along it avoid it, especially when the cruise liners are in.

    Check Tourist information for the map of flood walkways.  There is a tide meter at Rialto Bridge.

    There is a card for tourists, this combines transport with discounts etc.

  9. Main tip--go to the most touristy sites early in the morning to avoid crowds.  

    Get a good map of the city (and some comfy shoes), and just go walking.  

    Going on a gondola ride, while fun, doesn't let you see a lot of the city.  Take a motorized boat tour.

  10. It's not a huge place so easy to wonder and see everything

    For Romance maybe tea at the Cipriani Hotel? Expensive but supposedly one of the most romantic locations in the world

    I enjoyed the accademia of art - get an audio guide, there are some interesting stories behind the pics

    You can do Murrano & Burano in a day easily. The lace making & glass making areas aren't huge. Ask your hotel if they can suggest a boat: you can get one free there with some glass workshopes, they take you & show you the glass process for free then hope you'll buy somehting at the end but there's no obligation (expensive stuff) and you can then wonder off to look at the rest  of the islands.

    The lido has the beaches but they're not actually really nice being city beaches nevertheless if you have a morning to spare you can hire a 2 person cycling buggy which looked fun but I didn't have time for.

    Tips wise take good sunglasses, lots of the stone is white & so the sun reflects very strongly in your eyes. I had difficulty with my strength 3 glasses though I went earlier in the year.

    Good restaurant? from the side of St.Marks square go across the Rialto bridge, left and up a side street on teh right. Looks like a bit of a back alley but it's a nice place inside & good food, not tourist rubbish.

    Don't take pics of the venetian masks unless very discretely, it's a big thing, they hate it.

    The St.Marks basillica is good but queues are huge so it's definitely and early morning thing. As for the square, all those coffee shops are very overpriced. either buy 1 coffee there & make it last just for the experience or buy a takeaway elsewhere & take it there!

    Cars can't go around venice so look up a good cheap car park in advance.

    think that's all

    when I went we wondered quite a bit, some beautiful streets & canals, it's just nice to see them so don't overbook yourself!

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