
Im on birthcontrol but i want to get pregnant!!?

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I am on the yasmin birthcontrol ... I want to have a baby but my periods are so messed up that i cant get off the birth control. When i am not on the birthcontrol i get my period for 2-3 weeks then dont get ti for 2-3 months. Its annoying because i never know when im going to get it. My doctor has run tests and cant figure out whats wrong so he wants me to stay on birthcontrol.

My boyfriend and I really want to have a baby but i have to stay on the birthcontrol. Can someone give me some ideas on how i could get pregnant???




  1. I have PCOS, and that is what it sounds like you have, you need to go to your Dr and see if this can be fixed for you. I was put on Metformin and in 4 months I was pregnant. it's different for everyone. but it really helped regulating my periods. I would only get 1 a year and never knew when it was coming. I would get on Birth control and it would regulate them while I was on it but then I would get off and bam no more periods. and with Metfromin, yes it's a Diabetic pill, but with pcos your body is Insulin Resistant. Metformin is not for everyone. but it helped me. you need to talk to your Dr. good luck honey  

  2. go to the doctor and they should be able to tell ya what steps to take!

  3. My advice would be to get off of the birth control, because you can't get pregnant on that..LOL.  Also, when you get off of the birth control buy OPK's (Ovulation Predictor Kits).  These are extremely accurate in predicting when you will ovulate and the best time for you to have s*x, and since your periods are irregular then these will be really useful to you.  If you don't get pregnant within a few months of using these then maybe go see a Reproductive Endocrinologist.  They could put you on Clomid to help you ovulate or some other type of medicine to aid you in becoming pregnant.  Good luck!

  4. have s*x. talk to your doctor about what you want to do. good luck.

  5. This sounds like me.  I have PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome)  it causes you to not ovulate and to skip periods.  

    Talk to your OBGYN and get a referral to a specialist.  There is medication that can help your periods come back and also jump start ovulation.

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