
Im on day 2 of not smoking!?

by  |  earlier

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Any tips or advice to keep positive?




  1. well done! find a past time! :)

    chewing gum is horrid.. but it really really works

  2. Yeah loads.

    You don't smell anymore, after tomorrow your body will lose 50% of the poisons. Food will taste fabulous by the end of the week. Your teeth will look better. You'll get restless as your body won't be getting any c**p from smoking and you'll want to do new things.  

  3. Well done you.  Keep brushing your teeth and enjoying smelling clean and fresh!

  4. Don't smoke in the first place you ****.

  5. You shouldn't stop all of a sudden like that. Taper it off, like say down to a pack a day, then a half pack, etc. You should smoke 5-10 today so you dont fall back.

  6. Well done I wish I could give up.

    I will keep trying.

    Keep positive and good luck.

  7. That's good! keep continue! I know a lot of people who take a chewing gum when they think about smoking! good luck! kiss

  8. well done have a star :~ )

  9. Good for you.

    Just keep up the postitve attitude chewing gum is good but think of the money you save thehealth benefits you wont smell anymore etc etc .

    You have done the hard part already now just remember you a non smoker

  10. thats wonderful!

    keep yourself motivated and spend time on hobbies or something that doesnt make you tink of having a puff :)

    good luck :)

  11. Good for you!! My Mom and I quite last year on Chantix. And it is so good to be relieved of this curse. I made homemade clove candy for my breathe because you will get the tobacco coming threw your body for a while.

  12. Get an old coffee jar and every penny you spent on cigarettes put into

    it. Open a bank account and when the jar is full put the money in the bank.

    Use the money to treat yourself to something you always wanted and could not afford because you smoked.

    I got my parrot that way!

    Think of all the people who were put off by your smoking, partner potential really rises!

  13. Stuff like looking at these reason helped me

    Good luck to you!!!

  14. Congratulations on quitting!

    Take that money you're not spending on cigs and put it in a jar. Soon you'll have enough to treat yourself to a nice dinner out.

    Start cleaning: It will give you something to think about, and it will get the tar and nicotine out of your house.

    If you can, join or start an exercise program so you can sweat those toxins out. Make sure you drink plenty of water while at it.

    Good luck! I'll be cheering you on!  

  15. Well done.

    After the first 48 hours is over your body has cleared out the nicotine and now it's just a mental thing.

    Stay motivated, the hard part is over.


  16. yo go get tired!

    do some excersize, when i dont smoke i go hyper. so need a cigg, to cliam down, but i do rate you, how did u get to sleep in two nights?

  17. thats great :)

    if you smoke, heres some advice, think about, yourself coughing up your insides, i dont think its a good sight :)

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