
Im on deferred adjudication

by  |  earlier

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for six months, i have two questions. one regarding my 6 p.m. curfew, and a second regarding my p.o. does the 6 p.m. curfew mean just to be off the streets by 6 p.m. or i have to physically be in my own home by then, if only off the streets then could you show me where it says that? and second does the probation officer come and randomly check on you or is it just a report in once a month deal?




  1. You didn't say what state you were in so it makes answering your question difficult except in very broad terms.  I can't necessarily refer to specific links as it may reference laws that are not applicable in your state or juridiction.

    But let's start with the basics and hopefully this will help.  Deferred Adjudication is a judgment of community supervision that defers a judgment of conviction until a later date, upon condition that the defendant successfully completes the required obligations during the deferral period. A deferred adjudication may be Supervised, meaning you will be placed on community supervision and have to pay monthly supervision fees, do community service, meet with a probation officer, take drug tests, classes and counseling, pay restitution, etc., or Unsupervised, in which case you do not, and are on the “honor system.”

    Regarding curfew, this is how it works, be at your residence by 6:00 p.m. and remain there until the designated time the next morning except when at work or on a direct route going to or from work.

    If the terms of meeting with your probation officer were not outlined in your case paperwork, when you have your first meeting with your P.O. he will outline the when and where of your meetings. This may consists of your meeting them at their office, with no drop in visits at your home or workplace, or it could be a combination of monthly visits with a condition that drop in visits may take place, to make sure you are following the guidelines.  The P.O. will make all of that clear, from the start, so you should be aware of your obligations and not have any suprises.  My guess would be though that the P.O. can probably make drop in visits if they feel the need.  My advise is to be cordial and follow whatever rules they set up for you. The P.O. is your friend until the end because the consequences for getting in trouble while on deferred adjudication are worse than for probation. If you violate your deferred adjudication, the judge can assess any punishment in the statutory range of your crime. This could mean heavy fines or incarceration.

    Good Luck my friend.  Thanks for asking. ~J~

  2. If your curfew is 6 p.m., then yes you need to be inside your own home by 6 p.m.  I don't know if the probation officer comes to check on you..but  you will most likely have to meet him once a month.  I know in Canada if someone is placed under these circumstances, they get surveillance calls every night at home to make sure they are where they are supposed to be.

    Don't mess around with your as you are told.

    Hope you learn your lesson!

  3. READ the fine print on your deal...each is different......DONT violate it or the trial will be QUICK.....

  4. It means that if your PO calls at 6:01, you better be there to take the call. Visitation depends on the PO. He does have the right to visit and even drug test you while on probation. Any questions you have should be directed to the PO since answers here may vary from what he wants.

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