
Im on my dads title to a mobile home. he bought it with cash. will escrow find out im on the title

by  |  earlier

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escrow closes next week. i was told they wouldnt cuz it is a mobile home. how do they find out?




  1. they will now

  2. They will find out.  They have to do a title check, no way around it, and when  they check it they will find you on it.  If you were trying to hid it for what ever reason and id not disclose it yo should do so tomorrow.  Better you tell them, then having them find out themselves

  3. Yes.  How it is possible that they would not find out?

  4. When a title check is done your name will show up as one of the owners. This will only cause you problems if you are triing to buy a home as a first time home buyer. It might also effect your credit rating positively or negetively depending on what happens in the future. If you have any questions, you should consult a reputable real estate accountant. Best of luck in your life.

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