
Im on the bad end of a love triangle. ?

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We met 10 years ago. We kept in touch via email, IM, txt, and an occasional phone call, through relationships and a failed marriage on my side. The past year we have become intimate because for the first time we were both "available" and close enough to visit. (We live 3 hours apart) Though there was no "relationship", just a "friendship" that crossed the line. I did not know he was married and feel betrayed. I have been dating and keep crossing married, cheating, men. I end it immediatly but never tell the wife. Last time this happened I said I would tell. SHould I? What should I say to the cheating husband/ now my X friend?




  1. jsut mind your business.

    and stop s******g married men so you dont to always feel like you have to do something afterwards.

    mind your business.

    walk away silently

  2. If she comes to you I say tell her everything , if she does not then you should leave it alone she is going threw enough being married to him already .  

  3. Hi Betsy,

    I was suprised to read that you did not know that he was married, if you have been in touch for the last 10yrs. unless I misread what your wrote.

    Why tell his wife, what would be gained from it, except a lot of hurt.  What has she done to justify that pain?

    What should you say to him?  I wouldn't even bother with him.  

    You say that you keep crossing married cheating men.  Are you drawn to that type?  (maybe subconsciously).  Perhaps, being involved with someone who is spoken for already, gives you a sense of security, in as much as they are not in a position to commit to you fully.

    Feel good about yourself, and feel respect for yourself.  Do not alow yourself be used in that way.  Do not allow yourself to be their victim.  Taking this stance, will mean that you may not get involved with the first person that comes along;  and although,  you may have to wait a while, Mr. Right will come along, and not just Mr. Right Now.

    Good Luck.

  4. Yes u should tell. He was wrong, and she deserves to know. However, the messenger is often the one hated, so be prepared!

  5. I know your situation is painful, I've been there. But there is no reason to tell his wife ... unless you enjoy inflicting pain and humiliation unnecessarily on others. Besides, on some level she knows and is suffering already to some degree.

    Don't spread the pain, just move on and work on developing better relationships. It's a lesson for you;  lessons are seldom enjoyable.

    Best of luck to you.

  6. true u have been hurt and used,thinking u were getting a relationship with someone, but all u got was a married cheater. but i would not hurt his innocent wife,she wasn't the one who did this to u, just cut all ties with him,and let it go. keep your dignity and say nothing, his wife has a hard enough road to travel.

  7. There are always clues to tell if someone is married.

    1.If you never been to there home.

    2.If you can only call at certain times.

    3.If you never get to spend a lot of time with them or it is odd hours that you do get to spend time or call them.

    So if you keep falling for the line you need to spend more time and energy into figuring out why instead of try to seek revenge.

  8. look at it this got some, try to cross this off your list, if you can't tell his wife

  9. Mind your business, don't meddle in.

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