
Im only 13 and i want to have s*x am i too young?

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hey i'm 13 and i have had urges cuz i want to have s*x please help me . how do i get rid of these urges plz explain with specific details i really need help!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Tabby,

    Yes, you are too young.

    The trouble with s*x is that it is never enough, and it's never alone.

    Look at any video store, in the section called "drama," and you will see lots of references to s*x--clothing, poses, embraces. You will never see them by themselves, however. Usually there are explosions, guns, cars, some sort of suspense in the picture as well.

    That's because s*x is actually boring.

    Boring? Boring.

    How many different types of p**n can we find on the Net? That's because one type just isn't enough when--and this is the crucial point--the s*x is self-centered. Just like a drug, we need to sneak and have more and better s*x and different positions and toys and all sorts of stuff when we do it for ourselves, when we have s*x just because we "want" to .

    That's what happens when we use s*x for its excitement value, which is the question you asked. "I want to have s*x," you said. Not, "I want to love someone." Not, "I want a close, serious, forever relationship," but "I want to have s*x."

    That's exactly the wrong reason, and it will cause you problems. It will not satisfy you. It will for a while, but it won't take long before you realize that you've been cheated. You will have had s*x, but you also will have been used.

    You wouldn't want to become known as a s**t, would you?

    Now, what can you do about the "urges"?

    Well , that 's the hardest question to answer because of the way that you ask it. It looks like you're really asking, "How can I make these urges go away?"

    You can't. They are there for a reason, and that is to make sure the species does not die out. The biological imperative is to reproduce, and that's what you feel. It's in all the fabric of your being. That's why there is no easy answer to this.

    There are two things you can do, however:

    1. You can understand them, and understand that you are more than your urges. Your urges will come and go, but you will be there all the time. So if you do nothing about your urges, they will fade. Don't be afraid that they will overwhelm you, because they won't. They will be very frustrating sometimes, but they are not fatal, they aren't even damaging. They are only frustrating. Frustrations don't kill you.

    2. Develop a love for something. The only thing that can beat the kind of desire that you mention is a greater love, a love greater than you wish for s*x.

    Do you have a purpose for your life? Is there something that really needs to be done that you could do--helping in a food bank, mentoring/tutoring, working in a class of special-needs children, volunteering for the Red Cross, studying to become a dentist so you can go to Africa or to Appalachia or to the "garbage dump" children of Ecuador or Guatamala and fix their teeth? Something to do for others?

    Part of your trouble is that you have these urges, but you magnify the urges by thinking of yourself. If you continue to think about how these urges make you feel, you will strengthen the urges. So think about others.

    You really are far too young. s*x has emotional results that can damage you very badly if you start it too young and for the wrong reasons, and both of those are you right now.

  2. You are to young!

    You can get help with a book called 'Young People ask!"

    If you know any Jehovahs Witnesses.

    In the mean time, you can talk to your parents or someone mature who you trust...

    Pray and ask God to give you self-control

    Take your mind off of sexual activity.

    Stop watching all of these heavy s*x shows.

    Stop listening to provocative music

    And take up a hobby, that can enhance your talents.

  3. you are WAY to young to be thinking about that.  You will have plenty of time to do that when you are older.  Some think that high school is still young for s*x and you are only in middle school i bet.  Just tell yourself that it will be a thing that you will regret for a long time if you do it at this age.  It will only lead you down the path of being easy or a w***e.  TRUST ME, you will be glad that you waited.

  4. i shouldnt even be answering this, but i'm preventing early pregnancy hopefully so...

    you're too young, wait till high school MINIMUM time and go m********e instead  

  5. That's weird. Your so young and want to have s*x. Ask your mom about it if you really want to know.

  6. you cant really stop the urges....u can stal them though...try fingering urself whenever u get a strong urge id suggest in private.....if a finger isnt gud enough rtry multiple...or buy a d***o.. ude a brush handle etc...or in the shower.....if u have any questions u cud message me =p.... nd no nuthing is wrong with masturbation...

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