
Im out of money, now what?

by  |  earlier

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Im out of money and why wife is mad, her parents are mad. I got bills. What the heck do I do?




  1. Get a job. Cut your visas up.

  2. divorce your wife and here parents and then you'll be RICH !!!!!!

  3. Get more money

  4. Do you have a job, first of all?  Second of all, how about writing out your income and your bills to make sure you have a surplus each month?  It's called a budget.  If not, then you need to get rid of some bills.  Turn off the cable and the cell phones and quit buying mocha frappachinos every day!  

  5. Simple... migrate to some other city... start a new life... believe me things will change and may change in your favor!!

  6. Get a job at McDonalds

  7. Get yourself a job.. and not a crummy one at the grocery store.  A real one that's stable.  Like, work at UPS, or be a truck driver (especially if your wife and her family hate you right now)  Just get something quick, before your family goes hungry.

  8. admit you're a sinner numbnuts then repent...billy graham

  9. You need to get a job

  10. look around yourself and manage your time better.  "have anything that isn't being used that can be sold at a garage sale."  Possibly look into getting a mourning job with the local news paper delivering the early paper to supplement your income.

  11. Get up early and join the welfare line.

  12. U r in a big trouble but i advise u to get a real job

  13. Assuming you have a job, stop spending money on non-essentials. Spend only on food, clothing and shelter.

    Cut your credit cards in half and pay cash. Pay your credit cards off and don't ever get one again. Put 10% on your pay into savings each payday.

  14. Life sucks man! Woman are a gift from god 3 weeks out of the month. On the 4th week the bill comes.

  15. Calm down.  Assess your resources.  See what accounts/loans you can reasonably tap into to keep yourself afloat.  Ask for job leads and advice within your field.  Continue until you come up with a plan. Then console your wifes fears..  she is in it for the long haul, so share with her your plan for coming out of your situation.  Let her handle her parents and if not, do the same with them.  

    You'll be fine.  

  16. Well, the simple answer would be, 'Get More Money'

    But the hard question is, how would you get more money?

    You should borrow (if you're absolutely sure you can pay it back later) because you got bills you have to pay now..

    And/or work your back off, do extra jobs

    Promise your wife you're going to get money soon, and prove it to her

  17. Take a deep breath. Hang on to your job. Take a serene look at your finances. See where you can cut, which expenses you could easiily do without. Carry no more than one credit card - and use only in the most dire of circumstances. As for your wife and her parents I think I would need more details before advancing anything like an opinion.

  18. You don't say if you have a job or not.  If you have a job, you need to reduce your bills so you can pay everything with your income from that job.  Buy generic brands of groceries, switch to basic cable or get rid of it completely if you can get over the air channels.  Also cancel your magazine subscriptions.  If this still isn't enough, cancel your internet too.

    You should think about finding a job that can pay for the things you want.  Your wife should be helping you find places to save money or places to make money.  If she isn't helping, she has no right to be mad at you.

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