
Im out of shape and can do about 20 push ups at age 17,what should i do to work my way up for the U.S Army?

by Guest21370  |  earlier

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Minimum for 17 year olds is either 47 or 37 i dont remember exactly. I have 5 months till Basic training so how could i work my way up to idk about 70 push ups slowly?




  1. You say you can do 20. Try to do 25 and don't give up until you do 25. If you found that you could do 25, set your new standard to 30. Literally do not stop until your arms give way and you fall to see the highest you can go. Once you know your maximum, practice that maximum everyday. It will be a lot easier with a standard. If you can't max out everyday, make sure you are at least close.

    The next week set a new standard to 5 more. Then continue.

    For endurance, you should also do sets. For example, sets in the morning, and max out at night. You could do 4 sets of 10 in the morning, then max out at 40 for example. Just see what you're comfortable. The only way for this to work is to set a standard and follow it through, do not do less than your standard unless your arms give way before you reach that number.

    Forget the gym, it will not help you with push ups and APFT standards. If you want to reach them, do push ups, sits and running.

  2. Go to a gym, work with a personal trainer, find one with a military background!

  3. Don't stop at 20.  When you tell yourself you can only do 20, make yourself do 25.  When you get to 25, make yourself do 30, and so on.  The Army will push you and you will do things you never thought you were able to.  It will be easier if you begin to push yourself.  Good luck...and thank you.

  4. its all about how u work ur arms do 20 push ups then 10 pullups then 20 more then 10 more then go do 30 dips  then flutter kicks then start over do that for a week then start the count which is 123 1 123 2 123 3 and you will find urself being able to do 100 push ups  

  5. Get perfect pushups. Quite a bit of people say that it doesnt work. Thats a lie cause it works as long as you do them RIGHT. They are harder than a regular pushup. You can get them at walmart or any local store of the nature for $20. Follow that till you go to basic and you will be able to do a lot. Run, do situps, and pullups along with it and youll be set. By the way i thought you were joining the NAVY cause you sent me an e-mail about boots on the ships.

  6. dude just when youre sitting around doing nothing, drop and do some pushups. wehn you got spare time do some more... anytime you ahve. but dont forget to work on your situps and run time also cuz those are the killers. start a routine in the morning. or evening it doesnt matter. just keep pushing yourself and you'll buildup muscle strength. max yourself out also. like the other guy said, if you just stop at 20 youre cheating yourself. go until you cant go anymore, then keep going.

  7. Like phets said, push yourself to exceed your percieved limit. Set yourself a schedule for your own improvement. The military is all discipline, and pushing yourself and setting a regiment on your own is an important part of disciplining yourself, and an important step in preparation for the discipline you'll recieve in the Army.

  8. Here's a link to Army PFT standards. There is a link farther down the page for how to train for the different exercises.

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