
Im painting, i finished the priming and tomorow will do the color paint, but...?

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i am going to add a new pieces of tape to border where i am going to paint, can i keep it on for a day or so while painting, i dont want to remove then re-apply new tape after each coating, its a big room with lots of turns




  1. when re-decorating home, bedroom or any other room, always try to choose colors according to feng shui. in this case you will activate powers of 5 elements (water, earth, metal, wood and fire) and support all your lucky "areas" - this will attract love, romance, wealth, money, prosperity, luck etc etc

    feng shui color blog:

    feng shui color guide:

    feng shui bedroom ideas and tips

    good luck!

  2. "nobody" is correct, however, 3M makes 2 different types of tape at the blue level.  one is #3090 and would work, but there is one more better at I believe #3070 and is easy release.  It will say this on the label.  The numbers could be off a little, but you get the idea.  pull tape after 2nd coat after 20 minutes off drying.  good luck.

  3. That Blue 3M brand painters tape is supposed to not stick or cause problems for 14 days.  I still don't know if I'd trust it 24 hours over your border.  Why don't you paint your two coats near the border in one day.  Paint around the perimeter of the room just near the border TWICE.  Then pull the tape and finish the rest of the walls the next day.  It would be like cutting in any trim work before you put on the full wall body color.

  4. Listen to jerry m. I have been a professional painter for 30 years. His advice is "Spot On"

  5. you can.... but tape should be removed while wet to prevent paint from peeling from wall.

  6. All answers so far  are part right and wrong and some just wrong. Blue tape 1,2,3 days no problem My source is 30 years painting and general contractor. Blue painters tape is fine, do not use quick release which does not have enough sticking power. After you have run your tape cover your finger a couple of times with a painters  rag and rub 1 to 2 feet at a time rapidly at the edge where you want a crisp edge 6  or 7 times,  the friction heat  will activate the adhesive so you will not get any bleed under tape just a crisp line between border and wall. After painting pull tape in this manner first wall first, do not pull tape straight out but pull it back over its self backwards over the remaining tape, this will break or cut any small snags that could happen. If you have further questions you can mail me via yahoo. JERRY,  happy painting, remember paint goes on wall not floor!

  7. 3M painting tape will make your project look like a pro did it.

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