
Im part native american do i have to pay taxes?

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hey i'm part Tuscarora Indian living in buffalo, (im only like 3/8 or 1/8 you can hardly tell) but people are telling me that i can get a card that allows me to not pay that true? and if so where can i get one?

o and my great grandfather was a chief of an Indian tribe..




  1. Native Americans ALWAYS have to pay income taxes, regardless of whether they were earned on or off the reservation. Everyone must pay the federal government.

    State income taxes however are different....Native Americans who live and work on the reservation in which they are enrolled (not any other reservation), do not have to pay state income taxes. Natives who work on reservations other than their own, or work off the rez, must pay state tax also.

  2. The Tuscarora ("hemp gatherers") are an American Indian tribe with members in New York, Canada, and North Carolina.  It appears that you may be an ameican indian regarding indian taxation in USA (not Canada, although you posted your question in this canadian tax forum).  In general, other than being a qualifed indian, it is where you earn your money and where you pay for your goods and services that determine whether you have to pay taxes.  

    In the USA, individual American Indians and Alaska Natives and their businesses pay federal income tax just like every other American. The one exception is when an Indian person receives income directly from a treaty or trust resource such as fish or timber, that income it not federally taxed. States also cannot tax tribal members who live and derive their income on tribal lands.

    On the other hand, in general, Aboriginal people in Canada are required to pay taxes on the same basis as other people in Canada, except where the limited exemption under Section 87 of the Canadian Indian Act applies. Section 87 says that the "personal property of an Indian or a band situated on a reserve" is tax exempt. The courts have held that the exemption is intended to preserve the entitlements of Indian people to their reserve lands, and to ensure that the use of their property on their reserve lands is not eroded by taxation.  Employment income earned by a Status Indian working on a reserve will be considered tax exempt. For example, if 90% or more of the employment duties of a Status Indian are performed on a reserve, the income from that employment will usually be exempt from tax. The Goods and Services Tax or Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) generally does not apply to purchases by Status Indians if the purchase is made on a reserve or is delivered to a reserve by the vendor or the vendor's agent.

  3. If you have a job off the reservation, yes, you will pay and file your taxes.

  4. Native Indians do not pay Income Taxes and consumption taxes when they earn their income on reserve and purchase items and goods and services on reserve. They do pay income tax on all income earned off-reserve land and they do pay consumption taxes (GST and PST) on all goods and services consumed or purchased off reserve.

    So yes you will not pay taxes on income that you earn at on-reserve land and you will pay taxes on income you earn off-reserve.

  5. You do have to pay taxes, just like me

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