
Im planing on buying a camcorder but need help choosing the right one . Need Help?

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So the camcorder is not for me it will be for my mom. We have a old jvc vhs-c which is kind of old and we want to upgrade a bit more (especialy since its so hard to transfer those vhs-c video files to pc and to dvd)

Now my main problem is i heard that minidv are still really popular and are good quality even if they are tapes plus they are one of the economic camcoreders.

Mind dvd/dvd camcorders are also cool but i heard they get scrathch easily plus dvd's etc are expensive, but they are easy to edit on pc.

Hard drive camcorders are right in the middle i think they are convinent in editing to pc but still will have to burn and all that procces takes long etc.

Which is my best choice in this case- I feel like going straight for a mini dv but i feel that technology will get left behind in a couple of years compare to hard disk drive and dvd. but not sure?

What do u recomend overall>?





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