
Im planing on getting Babolat AeroPro Drive Cortex Racquet?

by Guest66667  |  earlier

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any sugestions on what string i should use for nice stable set of strings that dont move feel kinda hard on hit spin and a nice pop ,controll too. im thinkin about huricane tour strings 16 and by the way no synthetic or natural gut cause ive have now with my raqcuet i use now wich is head ti.s1 and they dont work well with me even though i can mangae to play well with em. oh and my ntrp rating is 4.5




  1. I've had the APD for a while now, and I've had multiple strings on them. I tend to hit with alot of pace and alot of topspin for a SW grip. I've always strung at 61 lbs.

    I've used a full set up of both luxilon big bangers original and rough in 17. The originals just didn't bite the ball enough and I didn't generate as much spin as I'd like. The Big Bangers rough though gave me a good amount of spin. These strings felt pretty ok but didn't give me as much pop as i'd like. They're very durable though, lasted me a good 2 months. At times though, it was a little harsh on my arm, tennis elbow wise.

    I've also used a full set up of wilson NXT's 16's. It was ok, not much spin though, but very durable. Broke the strings after heavy playing in 3 months.

    I've also had a full set up of Topspin Cyberflash 17's. These are the best full poly set up in my opinion. Ample spin and lots of power. I could really rip winners and depend on my topspin to keep the ball in. The only thing is after about a month I started to notice some tension loss. I couldn't comfirm too much because short after that, I pop the strings. Not extremely durable, but great spin, pop and feel.

    By far though the best set up I've ever had is a mix of Kirschbaum Supersmash 1.30 (16's) and wilson sensation 16's. I've used this combo for a long long time. I get an insane amount of spin from the poly's and a great amount of touch and pop from the sensations. The combo is also very easy on the arm. The only complaint I might have is that the string is very prone to breaking if you catch balls constantly at the head of the racquet. MOST strings pop if you catch a ball here anyways, but this one more than I've noticed. Good for 2-3 months.

    I definitely recommend the kirschbaum hybrid set up. Next I'd recommend the Cyberflash, then big bangers rough, and then its a dead tie for last with the BB originals and NXT. Great choice in racquet. You're going to love it.

  2. Hey, we have a lot in common! I use the same racquet, and the Babolat Pro Hurricane Strings 16. They are great for topspin and control. I am also an aggressive baseline player and like to control points from the back of the court. I would stick with what you are using now! Also, for the grip, I would get a black or white Babolat Syntec Grip. They are great! I use the white.

    Good luck with your tennis!! =)

  3. That would be a good racket and string combo. I played with a racket with that exact set up (strung at 58), and it feels nice. Though, I would add some lead to 3 and 9 o' clock and the handle for some extra stability. APDC's are light to begin with.

  4. i use big banger. big banger contains all the good stuff with control spin and power

  5. I have that same racquet and it's amazing i've also wondered what strings would work best on it, but truthfully those babolat strings aren't really worth it! i've been using Prince Synthetic gut with Duraflex and those strings work wonders for months!  They give great pop and spin on the ball, but they lack durability I can pop them within 2 or 3 weeks depending on how much i use them!  you should try them out they're really great.

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