
Im planing to run away?

by  |  earlier

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ok i have this huge problem with perents and evryone around me i just wanna leave. ok well can somone tell me some good advice to escape? like close and evrything all that food um do i need cash?? well i do have this girl friend who moved to atlanta gorgia and i live in north carolina there any chance of maybe geting to atlanata from ( exsacly) middle of north carolina?? cuz i love her so much and i still call her..... and we really wanna see each other any ways of geting to atlanta from north carolina??? do i need to take a bus walk or what?? im 14 years old but then again there is a chance i could die ont he way sense its so far away but i just cant take this life my perents beat me and all.........and no dont ansew this like never run away..cuz i am any chance of geting there and meeting up with her? maybe i need a ceel phone to call her as i go? do i need to stop at stores?? umm do i need to sleep at hotells..just fill me in i really wanna just wanna run away and b e with her....fill me in good its importent tell me al i need to do to acces geting to her ..though my school is tomroow a nd i might not get there till lik a week i dont know......fill me in please this is proboly them ost importent qwestion on yahoo.




  1. What does this have to do with teeth?

  2. If your parents beat you you should call child protective services. They will find you a foster home. It sound more like you just want to leave so that you can be with this girl. But yeah you are going to need a lot of money. Food, water, a bus ticket because it's a long walk. But if you walk you might want to by yourself a map and learn how to read it. What are you going to do when you get down there? Are her parents going to let you stay with her? Your 14 so you can't get a job so it's not like you are going to have any money to support yourself. No food, no shelter, no money. I think a cell phone is the last thing you need. I think i would worry about how you are going to survive first. What about your education?  

  3. Hello my friend...You know there are many times in life, especially when we are in the early teen years that everyone and everything appears to be against us....That's called growing up and learning to deal with the adversities of life...the important thing for you is to know that your feeling the average feelings most teens go through, what's more important is for you to know that most of those feelings are based on inexperience and an education that hasn't been enough to give you the tools you need emotionally to make educated rational decisions.....Yeah yeah I know, you've heard that before and you know, no matter how many times you hear it it's TRUE...Let me pout it this way...Educated people "sometimes" makes a dumb decision...where "Uneducated people make many more dumb decisions"....When I look at your writing I see far to many mistakes in grammar and sentence construction to make me feel your educated and able to make educated decisions..."AND"...this may or may not be your fault...If your parents failed to provide a positive motivation incentive in you that's one thing....On the other hand, you may have simply decided to ignore their attempt and do things your way....and that usually leads to where your at right now, and that path is rocky, dangerous and is most unlikely to lead to a successful life experience....I get the feeling from your writing that your decisions are being made from your crotch and not above your shoulders...also not unusual for most teens...Tell you what, before you make a decision that will possibly put the rest of your life on the wrong track, contact a minister or school counselor and put all the facts on the line...If you can't be honest enough to do that you have more problems than I think you have...If you will do that and be totally up front and honest with them, they can help you look at all your options and provide real help in achieving the right goal....and who knows, it could include a trip to Atlanta...Good luck and I wish you well.  

  4. I know your life must seem rough to you, but, if you run away at such a young age, you have no idea how much rougher your life will become. Teenage runaways have few options to make money and most of it is illegal and degrading. No, you cannot rent a motel room. You need to be 18,even if you pay cash, they want to see an ID. If you want a cell phone, they will want info on your age and address,etc.

    Your best option would be to talk with an adult that you trust. If your parents are abusing you, you need to tell someone. Running away is not the answer. You need an education and you cannot go to school without parental consent ot a legal guardian signing for you to enroll in school. Please , find an adult to talk to and ask them to help you. Good luck.

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