
Im planning to move to jamaica or some where in the caribbean what are some good jobs ?

by  |  earlier

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Any jobs out there besides the tourism industry?




  1. well i lived in jam for a bit but i could not find any work, i now live in haiti and i was fortunate enough to find work there in the feild of radio being that i have experince in production//DJing and some past radio work, however it wouldnt really pay the bills because it was only onece a week so i have started my own buissness in haiti and i teach at schools,

    you need to think of what island you want to go to becuase they are all diffrent but one thing the all have in common is the fact that jobs are hard to come by.

    80 percent of the Jamaican people live in extreme poverty and if a native can not find work you will be lucky to find it as well unless you have a degree jam needs doctors, lawyers,egineers, teachers, etc.

    there is big money you can make in the caribbean espically jam if you own a buissness that offers something to the community or country that it doesnt have or is in need/short supply of.

    also exporting, find a way to get goods that other countries want from jam to them like coffee, fruits, sugar, shipping supplies or air lines becuase then you are talking american money and jamaican money is not as powerful as euros or american money.

    in the end unless you are a doctor or teacher etc. you need to start a buissness if you want ot make money if you some how did find a job in jam it would pay very little and you do not want ot be in poverty in jam its worse poverty than anywhere elese.,

  2. good to see that your doing your research early. you can usually get your info through the travel agentcy you choose most have an idea of the areas you may want to live in plus the internet gives you a good feel for the jobs that may interest you i did my research by going to the places that interested me before i moved spend at least 10 days there that will give you a feeling for the areas to choose from then ask around locally that is about the best i can say to you good luck  

  3. How do you plan to WORK there?  You can't just move to a FOREIGN COUNTRY and start working... it's not like you were moving to Iowa... you have to get a WORK VISA.

    Besides that... how do you plan to find a job on an island with a high unemployment rate where you are a stranger, don't speak the language and have nothing to offer more than you want to live there.

    Why is it that, when you people ask these questions.. you NEVER SAY WHAT YOU CAN DO?  That is an IMPORTANT QUESTION... if you know Air Condiditoning or Water Treatment or can teach or can do mechanical work that is one thing... but if you have NO SKILLS then you won't find it any easier to get a job in a foreign country than you do in the U.S.

    You WON'T be welcomed with open arms and a smile.  You will be taking a job from a local and you will be treated like that.

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