
Im planting standard roses, and instead of putting bark around them i want to try something new.. any ideas???

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or any good websites that show different types of ground cover?




  1. I think, I would plant different types of annuals.. (for the seasons) Pansys wont last the whole year, so petunias as well maybe when they come in.  You could colour math the annuals to the roses.  When dormant (winter) have bulbs come up around the roses.

    Or even little ground cover roses to match the colour of the rose up the top.

    Goodluck and have fun!

    Maz (Ms Mazscapes Nursery, Churchill. Vic)

  2. use mulch until the roses are happy in their new home... they will appreciate not having to compete for food and water with another plant at their feet....

  3. Mass plant pansies around them. They look good, act like a mulch and help keep weeds down.

  4. the evergreen vincas are a good ground cover with either white or blue flowers in late spring and summer

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