
Im playing on my first ever Golf Course what advice do u have for me?

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ive never played on an actually golf course however i do go to the driving range alot and is there any advantage being a lefty




  1. Blow your load before you go.

  2. be patient and dont get nervous when you have people looking at you.

  3. Know when to pick up you ball. Generally speaking, when you reach twice par and you're still no on the green. Pick it up, put it on the edge and putt out.

    Play from the middle or forward tees.

    Play quickly.

    Ask questions.

  4. Only thing I'll add is don't take too long when it is your turn to hit.  Hitting a bad shot is ok and part of the game.  You will top, chunk and skull shots all day most likely.  None of that matters or effects anyone if you keep up with a short routine and find your ball.  Pick your club and hit it.  

    Also, don't be afraid to pick up like the other guy said.  Don't walk in anyone's line on the green.  Stand where you can see someones back or chest that is hitting the ball.

  5. Great question. Back in the dark ages, when I first took up golf, I spent an entire year at the driving range, and then a couple months at a local par 3 course, before setting foot on a regulation 18 hole golf course. However, I don't recommend that for everyone :)

    Look, just relax, and enjoy yourself. Ask ahead of time if there is a dress code. Make sure you are equipped not only with clubs, but with the proper golf shoes with correct spikes.

    And finally, the rules of golf have become way, way, way too complicated. One of my oldest mentors used to caddie back before golf was on television, and he said something that has always stuck with me. He said that back then, people used to play golf based upon the standard of being someone who is and wants to do the right thing. If it seemed like the right and fair thing to do, then that was the test. Today, the Rules of Golf read like an insurance manual, and the Decisions on the Rules of Golf are worse. Just treat people in a manner in which you would want to be treated. Respect others, yourself and very important, respect the golf course itself, and you will be fine. Enjoy.

  6. Just have fun.

    Play by the rules

    Know the unwritten rules (no talking in backswing)

    Just enjoy it

    sorry no advantage to being a lefty

  7. just keep your head down even when you hit the ball and dont get frustated and play percentage golf dont try anything 2 fanci

  8. If you are holding up the groups behind you, LET THE PEOPLE BEHIND YOU PLAY THROUGH.  Nothing more aggrivating than slow play, wear some Khakis with pockets and do not be affraid to put your ball in it.  If you are playing a par-3 course, it is not so important, but if you are playing a big boys course, play by the big boy rules and keep pace, and if the situation arises, let the group behind you play through.  Have fun too, thats important too!

  9. know golf etiquette.

    don't hurry the ones in front of you

    there probably is a dress code

    bring $$$ money for nonmember fees


  10. You should try a pitch n put which is a smaller version of a golf course and generally 9 holes w/60 - 100 yrds to the hole. You get the feel for what its like. If you're going with people, then let them know up front and most will advise you on trying this or that. Read up on the rules on

    Oh - you may have to worry about the dress code - depending on where you go.

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