
Im pregnant, and i feel like my boyfriend is depressed?? hes been acting so diffferent..i need advice..?

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i just dont know what to do.. im 19 and have a good job.. i was on BC when i got pregnant and when i told him he wasnt very happy.. nor was i... i have started to like the idea of having a baby and im going to be the best mom i can be... but latly he just seems so distant from me.. its like hs just sits there and looks sad... he still tells me he loves me everyday, and kisses me and hugs me but i can tell its bothtering him.. i dont know what to do about it... and then like yesterday he didnt really talk to me all day, then at night around 8 he started to talk to me.. and by then i was so irritated and mad that i didnt want to talk to him... i need advice!




  1. first of all, calm down and don't stress out.  

    then when you are both calm and ready to talk, ask him what's on his mind, and his feeling about this pregnancy.  If he doesn't want to get involve with the baby, make sure you can do it on your own or if you need other options.

  2. When I got pregnant with my first my boyfriend(now husband) did the same thing I thing he was scared and would not say to much about it though. He wasnt talking as much an felt a little more distant than normal, I would say once the belly starts growing more, he hears the heartbeat and the kicks he will get more use to the idea and be okay. I have been in your same shoes though and it use to upset me so bad I just wanted support from him, And I guess at the time I didnt realize he was just as nervous as I was to be a new parent I think it also sticks on there mind"will they be able to provide" but everything will be just fine! And congrats!!!!!!

  3. You have to sit down with your boyfriend and  have a little chat. He has to chose now if he is on board or not. If he is on board, he has to be 100%. It's like a boat --you can't be half on.

    Try to listen to him, and his worries tho. Maybe he's just scared to the bones! Reassure him the best you can.

    Give it some time he sounds like he loves you very much and I'm sure everything will work out with a little time and comprehension.

    Congrats btw!

  4. well it wasn't that good to get pregnant at 19 but i think you're smart and responsible enouugh to handle a baby. You're boyfriend is probably just kind of surprised and maybe scared by all this. maybe ask him to sit down and talk to you about it and you can work things out. btw good luck with the baby. :)  

  5. well obviously its time for the two of you to have a sit down and talk about becoming parents and see where he stands on the whole situation.

  6. i had the same problem too.. i got pregnant when i was 18 with my boyfriend who is now my husband but at the time i didn't think that would ever happen.. but men express emotion way differently then women and him being distant is just his way of saying he is scared without saying it..

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