
Im pregnant, now what do i need to do? (In UK)?

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Can someone tell me what i need to do now, as this is my first, thanks




  1. See your family doctor, and he or she will tell you what to do. They will confirm the pregnancy, give you a guide which will tell you what foods to eat and which to avoid, and how to take care of yourself for the baby's sake. You could go to the bookstore or library and get a book on this. Something like "What to Expect When You Are Excpeting"

    Also, get on Prenatal vitamins, they are great for the baby.


  2. Have you seen your gynaecologist? That would be a first step - they ought to put you in touch with antenatal care and they'll probably give you some advice.

  3. got to go see the doc

  4. Congratulations! You need to book an appointment with your dr. In some counties they like do a repeat test to make sure, in others they just take your word for it. you will then need to see a midwife at around 8-10 weeks for your booking appointment. this will involve a routine blood test and booking your 12 week scan(if they do one in your area).

  5. have you been to the doctors? if not thats the next step and take it from there. congratulations

  6. You have not mentioned whether or not it is a planned pregnancy. I would try not to get pregnant again if I didn't want to have another child or couldn't take care of him/her.

  7. Congratulations! You are creating the miracle of life!!! NOW READ ON!

    You and your partner need to visit your doctor, consultant or whatever, then you will need to nominate hospital to go to for the birth and prior to this any observations that yr consultant or midwife will do during term.  You will also need to cut out coffee, and if you smoke or drink alcohol STOP!

    In UK they do not do as much testing as they do in other european countries but they will do essentials during the term such as testing for downs, for instance. You will also need to notify your employer as well - some people leave this until at least 3 months but I say the sooner the better - money wise. Your partner is also entitled to parental leave -obviously He can arrange this closer to the expected due date.  

    During term you and your partner should also adopt the approach that the baby is there and take the stance that you are now a family - so it is important to communicate with it - this helps some how and encourages the baby also. Read to the baby too - I sang and NOW baby is here  I use the same song to calm him - it works!!!

    It is also helpful to buy or borrow a book on pregnancy for reference use and to familiarise yourself with whats going on.

    Also join a mothers club in your immediate area - the doctors, clinic or hospital should have information on this too.

    I have listed as much as I could in the reference section as I can - I am sure this will be useful to you and GOOD LUCK AND CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THREE OF YOU!!! or could that be four?!

  8. See your doctor i guess.  

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