
Im pregnant 7 weeks now please answer soon!!!=[?

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is it going 2 harme my baby the fact that i smoked the first 3 weeks because i did not know i was pregnant? i also whant 2 know it lower back pain is ok and a little cramping like when you start you period ive heard that its because ur uterus is growing please answer soon




  1. i smoked during the first few weeks or pregnancy with my daughter, and even got quite drunk once, before i found out i was pregnant. she is 7 years old, and has no problems. It is great that you have given up since finding out, a lot of women do not bother.

    cramping can be a sign of a healthy pregnancy, if you start bleeding as well then you should talk to someone about what you need to do.

  2. Talk to your Dr about the smoking.  Its not likely that it did much harm..  considering the fact that your pregnancy calandar is based off your first day of your last menstrual period..  you actually concieve around week 2-3..  so you didnt really smoke that long while you were carrying a baby.

    Back pain is common.  Try sitting in a different position, or go lay down on your side for a bit to get the pressure off your back.

    I experienced mild cramping during my early weeks and I was told that its from the uterus stretching.

  3. smoking is okay, its great you stoped. Now the baby will not have to go through the with draw, get on some vitamns asap!! if your not already, cramping is normal as long as theres no bleeding with it, its just your uterus growing! CONGRATS!

  4. It's okay that you did, but be sure to stop now. There should be no long term affects if you stop immediately.

    The pain is just the ligaments and muscles growing.


  5. no u deff. wont hurt the baby

  6. You did not harm your baby for smoking the first 3 weeks. Though it is often against doctor's wishes, there are women who smoke during their entire pregnancies and their babies are fine, but I still wouldn't chance it.

    Lower back pain and mild cramping are very normal early in pregnancy, so don't worry about that either.

  7. Yes, it's okay that you smoked, just make sure you told your doctor so they can look for birth defects attributed to smoking and don't do it anymore. Back pain and a little bit of cramping is normal.


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