
Im pregnant and going to be alone what do I do?

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Im Pregnant and In October my husband will be in Iraq. For a year. I must have a C-Section because I have had two others. I will be alone when I give birth and my two kids must go to school . I will not be able to move drive or anything for at least a couple of weeks. What do I do . How can I fix my problems with there school , and my lack of friends and family.??




  1. I really like what the first person said, Pray! It is wonderful what God can do in so many situations! But I would try to look a little on your own, you said you have lack of family and friends but there has to be someone that loves you and would do anything for you, even if they live far away. If they care that much about you they will come down to help you. Or if you have a neighbor that you can trust, ask them. But really consider praying about it to God because he can do some pretty amazing things! God has already blessed me so much with so many things! Trust him

  2. see if ur husband can get some time off, the army/military should understand the situation. There are low-cost daycares or see if u can get anyone to fly in where u live and help you out. Taxi's and buses are low-cost. If anything you can email me

  3. Ask your children who their best friends at school are, and talk to the parents of the best friends.  I'm sure they will be willing to at least help transport your kids to school.

    Don't be afraid or ashamed to ask acquaintances for assistance (neighbors, coworkers, etc.).  Believe it or not, the majority of people in this world are happy to help out their fellow human being. I mean hey, look at your family and the sacrifices you've made to serve our country!

  4. Where is your family?  Do you live on a military base?  If so I'm sure there is a support system in place for spouses & families you should try to check it out.  If I were in your shoes I'd move in with a family member pronto.  If you don't  have that option you need to lean on your friends.

  5. What about the school bus? Your kids can walk to the school bus every morning and it drops them off in the same place. Some parents where I live stay with the kids until the bus comes, and they meet the bus when it drops the kids back off. If you decide to do that, practice with your kids on walking to the bus stop, and practice walking home so they know what to do.

  6. see if there isn't something in this link that will assist you:

  7. Praying helps, but last I checked God didn't run a carpool.  You NEED to go to the Family Service NOW at the base you are at - I'm assuming you are near one.  If you are not, I would suggest you get a Doula, not midwife.  Midwives help with delivery and medical stuff.  Doulas can assist you with getting dinner ready, driving kids to school, etc.  Doulas are priced pretty reasonable and if you contact one, they may be able to hook you up with one in training and will provide the service close to free.  Most bases also have free childcare (CDC) for family's whose spouse is overseas serving.  I would also go shopping for the frozen pasta ready meals.  This was my saving grace when I had to get something made quick and I felt my guts were gonna come out!  Just open the bag and pasta, sauce and all were included-and heat up.  You can get pretty healthy ones at Trader Joe's, or your commissary should have some.  Stock up!  

    Above all, don't try to do it all yourself.  You probably could do it.  But you will be exhausted. Get help.  Search out other pregnant mommies (family services should be able to help) that need the same thing.  Tell (NOT ASK)  your husband he needs to start talking to the other people going over there and find out names of ladies in your situation.    I'm sure there are others that just don't know what they are going to do.  I think the military seriously drops the ball with mommies staying behind!

    I was able to hire a lady whose husband was just in the Navy (E2) and paid her about $10 a day to come by and take care of my 15 mo. old and help me move about.  I later paid her less, but allowed her to come do laundry here and I also fed her.  I think we both benefited from the situation.  

    If you live by a college, you may be able to "hire" someone in exchange for food, a room, etc.  

    Where are you stationed?  I'm in cali.  Best of luck and incidentally,  I'm ALWAYS praying for ladies such as us, that make the commitment to stand by our men!

  8. Pray. You'd be surprised at what the Lord can accomplish.

  9. I'm guessing you live near/on a military installation? There must be a support network established somewhere nearby. Local churches (if you attend services) and community organizations (Elk's Lodge, VFW Hall, Kiwanis) all often have support networks built up.

    Just make a few phone calls. You'd be surprised what people will do when offered a chance to lend a helping hand.

    Be well, and be strong. You're a courageous person to begin with, and I'm sure you'll be fine.

    We're all thinking of you, and your husband, in this trying time.


    Veteran, US Army

    Operation Just Cause

  10. You can look into a midwife service. Explain your situation and find out if there's anyone who would be interested in a post-natal service. If not, then hire a nany for the time you will be out.

    It will all be okay.

    And Prayer definitely does work  :)

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