
Im pregnant and im only....?

by  |  earlier

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14 years old, the father is 17 and hes just some boy i met at a party i really dont know what to do how can i face my mom please help




  1. Dont feel bad a-lot girl are pressured for ''doing it''.i dont know what you can tell her But you better tell your mom before it shows

  2. Wow The first thing you need to do is tell your mother.It may be hard but you have to tell her.So then you can discuss options with her.Since the father of the child most likely wont be there.

  3. I know its hard to talk to your parents about something like this but you really need to! its time for you to act like an adult... you chose to go and have s*x like an adult so now you can deal with this pregnancy like one! and please dont resort to abortion... becoming a murderer is no way to do this... just becuase you made a mistake does not mean that this baby is one...God doesnt make mistakes! if you cant take care of the child put it up for adoption so a loving family that wants a baby can have it! i really hope everything works out... im sorry you are in this situation, but now that you are please try to make the best of it!

  4. i know its got to be the scariest thing for you but just go tell her or maybe take the pregnancy test and lay it where she will find it and wait for her to come to you! she might not react as bad as you think she will! but good luck with everything and i hope everything turns out good!

  5. If you dont want to face your parents then dont have s*x. If your not responsible enough to tell your parents what you did then you shouldn't be having s*x. I'm sorry. But its the truth. Just be honest and tell her you made a mistake. Ask her for help and forgiveness, be honest with her and you will get help, lie and try to hide it you wont get any.

  6. I don't understand why girls are having s*x at 14. thats way to young. you'll just have to tell her - "mum, im pregnant".  the sooner the better, becuase u can still get an abortion if u want to. (i don't promote abortion)  

  7. you do need to tell her as hard as it is going to be. pregnant at 14 is goign to be extrememly difficult but it can be done.

    I was 17 when i got pregnant with my first and i was terrified. My sister had suggested a happy B-day grandma card be left on my mom's dresser to tell her the news (since it was close to her B-day).  we tried it hoping it would lighten the mood a bit and it did but she was still very disappointed.  

    I think the best option here is to sit down with her and try to calmly talk together. Explain to her that it was not planned and you know you should have been careful. Talk with her about your options and don't get mad when she shows hers.  She may surprise you and be calm about it and understanding but be prepared in case she isn't. If you have any way of reaching the fatehr you really should at least tell him. Although you just met at a party he has the right to know that you are pregnant and what it is you plan to do.  

    If you plan on keeping the baby or putting it up for adoption you need to make sure to look after yourself. You are still growing yourself and now that you are pregnant your body will need more to meet those demands.

    good luck  

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