
Im pregnant and think i am sick. can some please answer my question?

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Im pregnant and my glands are swollen. Does that mean Im getting sick?

I woke up with my glands swollen but I feel perfectly fine. Does that mean im getting sick or am I OK?




  1. it could be the start of a cold i get swollen glands 2 or 3 days before i actually get the cold symptoms and temperature

  2. you could be gettin sick like strep throat or just a regular throat infection which all you would have to do is drink plenty fluids and take some antibiotics.

  3. maybe you should go to the doctor to get checked out.  you could be getting sick, or it could be nothing.

  4. Sit back, close your eyes (after you're done reading this) and pretend you're not pregnant.  Now, your glands are swollen - how do you feel?  Not too bad?  Give it a few hours - now how do you feel?  If you begin to feel pain - you would more than likely contact your doctor at this point if you weren't pregnant.  So you have even more of a reason to contact your doctor because you are pregnant.  You have another person to look out for.  

    Just being concerned as you are shows that you are paying attention and care.  You're going to be a great mom.  

  5. swollen glands are a sign that your body is fighting an infection of some kind. I had glandular fever i the early weeks of this pregnancy and was very ill with hugely swollen neck glands. if you have a temperature (most likely you will) see your doctor

  6. sometimes they swell also mean an infection is coming on.  So call your doctor and ask them

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