
Im pregnant!!! please give me all the advice you have for teen pregnancy!!

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i need advice!!

please give me everything you know about young teen pregnancy!!

im only 14 and need intense help!!!





  1. take all responsibilities and don't throw your baby on your parents

  2. just walk in the room and say im pregnant to them very fast

  3. Don't have s*x until your ready for a baby....Oh wait to late :(

  4. You are an idiot

  5. have an abortion and stop having s*x

  6. Wow, 14 eh?

    Ur n sumthin real deep

    Do yuh parents kno??

    o, n GOOD LUCK!!!!! I realli dont have advice, because im onli 13 n would say WOW

    n if yuh smart enough you'll think of sumthin. I kno u will B-}

  7. find a good support system between family and friends  and work hard you have a big responsibility now.

  8. Tell the babydaddy  or suspected babydaddy(If you know him - not to be rude but some people dont know there babydaddy)

    Then tell your parents

    Hope for the best.

  9. firstly tell your parents. you need help through this and they will help you.

    Abortion, adoption or keeping the child are some options but you need to strongly think about what will be best and discuss it with your bf and parents.  

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