
Im pregnant! what should i say to the people at shcool!!!

by  |  earlier

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as i already told you me and my boyfriend just found out im pregnant!!! im only 14

and im probably gonna get really big!!

and its my first year of high shcool!

what should i tell the people at shcool??

and how can i deal with the constant teasing and horible nick names??




  1. i don't think people are going to make fun of you

    they might talk about it.. but they aren't really going to do much because well.. you're pregnant  

  2. Deal with your mistake.

  3. Hahaha! You're a s**t! Haha! You're screwed! That's what WILL be said. This is YOUR fault. YOU decided to have s*x so early. YOU decided it. YOU get out of it. I eventually hope your parents find out.

  4. Well, when someone is pregnant at my school (high school). They don't get "teased". They will just call you names behind your back, so you will just have to deal with it because you are the one who got pregnant.  

  5. you have bigger problems than what people at school are going to think... worry about your self and the baby right now

  6. well u had s*x so now u have to deal with what happened it is so hard but the only thing u can do is ignore it if it bugs u so much u can always go to the principal or the consular  

  7. Ignore everything as much as you can.  It'll be REALLY hard but nothing compared to taking care of a baby.

  8. Go to blockbuster and rent Juno.  All those things happen to her...

  9. You don't have to tell them until you really start to show.

  10. this is your fault. why did you have s*x so young?

  11. You should have thought about that before hand. There's nothing you can do but suck it up.

  12. all you can do is ignore them. don't worry about what they say because stress can effect the baby (miscarriage).

  13. the true

    you shouldnt care about ppl teasing  you and giving you a horible nick name

  14. Tell them off...

    Remember no body wants to mess with a pregger.

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