
Im pretty sure im a vampire, but im not quite sure.?

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Im not kidding about this or anything im trying to fine real answers, please if you dont beleave in vampires dont say anything. For those of you who can help me, or care, please e-mail me. Thank you for your time.




  1. Hi Peter,

    actually, the "vampire" story is based upon medieval beliefs about a mysterious illness which we, presently, call AIDS.

    It was observed that some people just got weaker and weaker and nothing could help them whereas other seemed to get stronger all the time. Because all knowledge about informational structures and human energy fields had been made a crime by the Vatican, the vampire myth was created. There is no more substance to it than that!

    The compulsion you may be feeling is almost certainly an indication that you have a serious dietary deficiency. Contact the Kushi Institute to get details of your nearest consultant. If you're not in N. America, drop me an email and I'll send you the link for your country (as long as you tell me which country you live in!)

    Blessed be.

    Karma Singh

  2. i kindda acctually weirdly do belive in vampires a little.. its not my life butt... if i can get your email for your profile thingy then i will message u otherwise u have to give me your email

  3. so are you a creature of the night, Nosferatu?  Do you not have a reflection?  Garlic and sunlight cause you a problem?  Or do you just crave blood?  If you are craving blood your body is probably lacking iron.  Don't go drinking other peoples blood it is dangerous as I assure you, you are not creature of the night, Nosferatu.  You can get all sorts of blood born illnesses.

  4. There is no such thing as a Vampire!  That is a myth!  So actually, you do not exist, and I am not writing to anyone!  But I get two points for doing this anyway!  Grow up!  Get a different hobby!  You will be happier in the long run, if you learn to separate fact from fiction!

  5. No one can tell you over the internet if you are one. I think it would be highly unlikely but I can not be sure. I would happy to provide information or my opinion on your situation feel free to email me.

  6. I'm not kidding either ok, but why do you think your a vampire? I"ll email you.

  7. I think that people are way too quick to dismiss you.  According to Tibetan Bon Nag, there are three poisons that cause suffering--one of which is ignorance.  People do not understand the organization of the unseen world around them because they have become comfortable with ecclecticism: the belief that if you begin combining whatever teaching you like and discarding that which you find unpleasant then somehow you can stick your head in the sand and everything will be alright.  (This however leaves an interesting part of you vulnerable.)  I constantly find myself reading for clients who tell me that they simply do not believe that there are entities  who can harm them; that there are only good things in the world.  Meanwhile they are sick and depressed and unhappy, but cannot explain why this is in a world where there is only 'good'.

    I thank this 'New Age ecclectic' trend for teaching there are no harmful entities that can effect a person.    "Reach out in the dark," they tell you--"and work with whatever you sense is around you--this must be your spirit guide.  Everything is good and everything is angels," they say.  What I want to know is why so many accept instantly the possibility of angels--which in their minds look like Harlequin romance cover models with wings--but they immediately dismiss the possibility that you could be influence by something you feel to be 'vampiric'?

    We are living at a time when people are constantly falling ill with sicknesses that western medicine cannot diagnose.  Western Psyciatry too is barbaric.  It's answer to everything is to prescribe long term doses of mood altering drugs to manage things that Tibetans have been curing for thousands of years with daily spiritual practice.  These long term drug treatments sometimes begin when one is in his or her teens or twenties and over time the drugs destroy the bodies' organs.

    You feel that you are a vampire--you are suffering and so what is the propsed wetsern cure? Either to drug you or ridicule you.  What a compassionate response.  This is the poison of ignorance at work.

    There are many classes of entity who can influence a human. One of these classes is called "blood drinker".  I don't mean that you are "posessed", but it may be that one of these clases of entities is influencing you so that you become agitated and frightened, excited or depressed.  The entity may then be feeding on that emotional response.  Or in some cases (such as cutters) the entity may be influencing the indidvidual to actually draw his or her own blood so that the entity may feed on it.

    In these cases you might want to try laughter--such entities do not like the taste.  If it's more severe the entity might have to be given something in order to convince it to leave you alone.

  8. my girlfriend is a vampire.



  10. Step into the sun light. Then you'll know.

  11. your not a vampire. trust me. unless you can't stand the sun and will die if you go outside, hate garlic or a steak through the heart.

  12. so do you have a fascination with blood or something?

  13. I am allergic to the sun (gives me a skin rash), anemic (iron deficiency, a blood component), and perfer to be awake at night, not durring the day.  

    There are medical problems that were around in the middle ages that may have accumulated to become the vampire folklore.

    But maybe you should go to your doctor if you have these issues, before drinking others blood (it could expose you to HIV)

  14. whats ur email

  15. Yeah, i'm pretty sure im a unicorn..

    Are you serious at life???? you are not a vampire, no one is or ever will be.

  16. so why do you think your a vampire?

  17. Drive a stake through your heart.

    If you die, then you might have been a vampire.

    or not.

  18. in what stage r u in?

    and what contry do u live in?

    more details please.

    i will welcome u with the others.

    email me at

  19. Hold your hand into direct sunlight. Are you starting to burn or smoke? There is your answer.

  20. you are a vampire im POSITIVE!! because you SUCK!!!

  21. Please do not fall prey to this way of believing. Try to find out why you need to think this.

  22. So you don't want to know that you're wrong, you just want to persist in the delusion?

  23. stab yourself with a wooden spike

  24. I think I am too, I have an idea, have you ever seen the movie Lost Boys, well if you haven't watch it and then you will know for sure. I figured out I was a vampire after I watched that movie. The real reason I watched it because of Dwayne, but then I learned something important that day.

  25. u didn't even try to prove it.. cuz' I am from Loch Ness and I am not a monster!!

  26. why do you think your a vampire?

  27. Why do you think this? Do you crave human blood? Does the light make your skin boil? IF you answered yes to these question you probably are.

    Go see a therapist they will help you.

  28. uhmm well i dont know your symptoms but if you have big fangs thats a sign and a desire for blood... well anyways if you were i think that would be pretty awesome!! :]

  29. If you find human blood tasty, then I'd say you're a Vampire.....but I seriously think you need pshyciatric help....

    It happens to the best of us

  30. Well it all depends on what you mean by you're a vampire... Can you not stand sunlight? Or do you like the taste of blood? It's slightly hard to tell what you mean by this... Please email me at

    Thanks, and I'd like to help :)

  31. your not a vampire, you just like the lifestyle of a vampire, just dont go on a killing rampage to drink peoples blood...

    I'm wearing a garlic necklace right now-so i am safe from you.

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