
I`m probably the guy behind you on the motorway nearly touching your back bumper in the fast lane?

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SO why dont you just move into the slow lanes if youre gonna drive slow...dont you know us people have got places to be in a hurry, we cant all sit & admire the view of our great british countryside in your `less horse power than a 3 legged horse` excuse of a car,,so if you see me driving up your rear end at a pitiful 68 mph will you please pull over & let me by

this is a public information question brought to you by a fast safe driver...TA MUCH!




  1. Was that you? Thanks, your stupid antics really made me smile.

    How did you enjoy the surprise brake test ??

    Noticed you locked up for a moment. Hope you had the toilet paper handy.

  2. While I do agree with you that it is called the "fast lane" for a reason, that's no excuse to tailgate someone.  I'll be going 80-85 in the fast lane sometimes and people will tailgate me, it's ridiculous.  Either chill out and slow down, or just pass on the other side!

  3. how can you say your a safe driver if you get to the bumper of the car in front of you have you never heard of a safe distance read your highway code and learn you idiot

  4. Oh no! Two miles an hour makes the whole world of a difference!

    My mum had to get a new car because someone was right behind her and hit her when she had to do an emergency stop.

    Notice that none of the replies you've got are positive. Does that tell you something?

  5. I hate bad motorway drivers. I hope you are a safe driver that also uses the slow and middle lanes if you are not overtaking?!!

    I really hate middle lane hoggers as they slow the whole motorway up.

  6. Understand that if I hit my brakes and you hit me, the collision will be considered to be your fault, and you will have to pay for the repairs to my vehicle, and any and all losses that I may have! You may be a fast driver, but if you are tailgating you are not a safe driver!

  7. It doesn't matter how slowly they're going in the "fast" lane (your term, not mine) - if they're overtaking something, they're not doing anything wrong.

  8. all i can tell you is that if you are on my bumper, keep hanging in there, i am reloading as fast as i can.

  9. Has the law been changed, I thought the maximum one could travel at on a UK motorway was 70mph.

  10. never have that problem mate i drive a m3 beamer avit

  11. " fast safe driver" .. more a brainlss f'wit who tailgates

    keep doing it, and when your up in court for dangerous driving.. you won't find it so amusing. hopefully you won't be up in court for death by dangerous driving..

    you need to go out with one of the crews on the motorway who clears up after accidents, then u might not act so silly. I think they should do that to people who get done for motorway madness, the plebs.

    you obviously need to read up on your highway code.. the middle / outside lane are for over taking only and NOT for hogging..

    your probably the same type of idiot who cuts across 3 lanes to get to their junction at the very last minute or perhaps thinks people can read your mind and don't bother to indicate.

    never heard of

    "only a fool breaks the 2 second rule" that probably was brought in for muppets like you.

    70mph IS the legal limit.. do over 100mph if you feel to do so, hopefully you'll get an instant ban for such stupidity.

    you do relise there are a lot of unmarked police cars on the motorway also?  so shouldn't be long before you amass a lot of points.

  12. So you're the guy who terrifies me when I see you looming in my rear windscreen. Don't you know that sometimes we CAN'T get out of your way - not without breaking the speed limit or cutting in on someone else, anyway. Next time you do it to me, and I panic and make a driving mistake, whose fault will it be when we all end up at the judgement seat?  Is it worth that, to save a few minutes? It's my life as well as yours. Better late than never.

    Anyway, you are very ecologically unsound, burning up all that fuel and rubber unnecessarily.

  13. Hey--I don't like to do more than 75 in a 65 zone.  So you can wait until I overtake the oldster doing 50 you'll get there a few seconds later!

  14. i really don get it but, ok?? seete up

  15. Why what's your hurry?

    I just knock my rear  mirror out of the way of your ugly view put on some music and sing along cheerfully while you seethe behind me gnarling to your stupid self.

    If you were a fast safe driver you A) wouldn't be stuck behind a slower driver and B) wouldn't be tailgating.

    I know if I got a speeding ticket you wouldn't want to pay it.

    If you want to get somewhere in time then do what most people do leave an appropriate time to account for the time needed for sensible driving. No brainer there!

    I do not drive to a speed dictated to by idiotic petrol heads. Holding you back is probably saving some innocent people their lives - that makes us heroes!

    If you want to fill a grave go drive off a cliff just leave us to do what the law expects of us.

  16. Sometimes it isn't safe to move over, and I wish you and others that do this realise that they are putting not only the driver in danger but their passengers, and in my case that is a 5 year old little boy and a unborn baby.

  17. 1st of all what makes you think ur a safe driver....cos you ain't if you drive up someones back end at 68mph.

    I understand where your coming from, people don't drive properly, don't always use their mirrors and are totally oblivious to whats going on around them.

    When someone like you does that to me...I don't move over ...not because I'm a c**p driver but I'm trying to get a message across.....SLOW DOWN GET OFF MY **** AND DONT PUT ANYONE ELSE IN DANGER.

    The thing is it doesn't matter how good you think you can drive you are not in control if an accident occurs by you or someone else YOU ARE NOT DESTRUCTIBLE!!!!!!!!!!


    And the fast lane is for overtaking only!!!!!!!!!!

  18. some people are just clueless that you are on their tail, you might want to go around before they flake and slame on your breaks and you crash into someone's grandma.

  19. Korky.. exactly my thoughts.

  20. Are you on a one way ticket to jail?

  21. I'm probably the person in front of you who is going to re-pay your aggression by going at 68 miles an hour because I'm not giving in to your bullying.

    Once you get fed up, do something stupid, try to kill yourself by under-taking or something. I'll speed back up to 90 and laugh myself silly.

  22. what is the question?????

  23. I will certainly get out YOUR way.

  24. How's Your Brakes

  25. Hi ,I am the guy who quickly brakes and laughs as you leave your car via the front wind screen and laughs a lot more as you slowly die.Tootle pip you m/f,you will not be missed in this world,it was a c*** like you who killed my brother.I hope you die painfully of cancer.

  26. Proper etiquette would be for the slower driver to "at least" move over long enough to allow you to pass.

    Although most driver's, assume they "own" the road(which I include you), and assume that they have every right to continue doing as they please.

    I practice allowing those who wish to severely speed, to pass me safely, even if it means I must change lanes. I'm sure that further down the road, I'll be passing you by once again, as you are pulled over receiving a ticket.

    You want to be the rabbit, I have no problem allowing you by.....

    However, if you ride my a**, I'm liable to slam on the brakes, allowing you to pay for my NEW car.....

    p.s. - by the way, where I live, flipping the "bird", might cause you to lose your life, by way of bullets through ones head.....

  27. Thank your lucky stars you are not in Texas. That pick up truck in front of you will slam on those brakes and then cry

    " whip lash" in court.  Then.. Good luck with your insurance company!!!  You'd be paying through the nose!

  28. what i do is ease off till im doing 65 then accelerate again..if you aint learned by then i will do it again & again till you do

  29. my daughters car was writen off in a colision with a lorry on the A40 at slow speed.Apart from having to buy a new car she still suffers from pains on her back.I am usualy a polite user of the YA but on this case I forget about having a nice mum and what a nice man she made out of me.If you were behind me I would apply the brakes and make you pay me for the rest of your life.You thoughtless wa***rrrrrrr

  30. If you are in such a hurry, you could go around me!

  31. i drive a truck, overconfident people like you kill. THERE IS NO SLOW LANE STUPID.Did you know (probably not) we have speed limiters fitted and your limit is 70mph. See you soon at the side of the road in the middle of the wreckage

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