
Im puchasing a house for $128000,the seller is willing to pay 3% of the closing costs.What do I have to pay?

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Im puchasing a house for $128000,the seller is willing to pay 3% of the closing costs.What do I have to pay?




  1. First you need to find out what your closing costs are by talking to your Lender and real estate agent. Also keep in mind, some Lenders in accordance to the loan program you are may not allow this type of contribution or perhaps only certain costs can be paid by the Seller.

    You may want to verify that that is 3% OF the closings costs VS 3% of the Sales Price for closing costs.  

  2. your 3%

  3. 1. find out how much the kloes kost gonna be.  Huever duit gotta giv yu a

    "faer estimate" 3+ daes B4 the kloes.  State law rule, so detaels vary a lot from plaes tu plaes.  Kloes kost mae be 300$ or 7,000$.

    2. Theer dont be no rules.  In past, the bier alwaes paed the kloes kosts.  Last fyu yeers, the seller is so desperat tu sell hous, em oft agree tu pae sum or even all the kloes kosts.

  4. you would have to pay the rest of the closing cost.

  5. I doubt they'll pay 3% of closing cost.  More likely is they will pay UP TO 3% of the home value ($128,000) towards closing cost.  Closing cost vary between 3-6% of the house cost, so you'll more than likely end up paying between 0-3% of your home value.

    For the sake of math that is between $0-$3840.

    If it truly was 3% of closing cost, I doubt they would even advertise or say anything, cause that is honestly going to likely be less than $300 bucks.

  6. You will have to pay 97% of the closing cost. A bad deal for you. It is customary to split closing cost (except tax prorating) 50 - 50.

  7. the rest....

  8. Talk to your lender.

    Ask them to be COMPLETELY HONEST with you.

    They should tell you about the (1) Down payment, (2) closing costs and (3) pre-paids.

    Most buyers are surprised to pay pre-paids.

    ALL lenders know you gotta pay it, but won't tell you until the very end.

    On a purchase of $128k, total costs may actually be closer to 9%, or $11,520.00.  In California, it's customary to ask the seller to pay 6% of it... especially since the seller already knows that if their house is in the "first-time buyer price range", most "first-time buyers" will not have the ready cash to actually close.

    Also, not knowing or asking about your obligation towards pre-paids (taxes, insurance, etc), is the main cause of folk feeling like they've been ripped-off or stolen from.  

    The truth is that the professionals always knew you had to pay it... but many won't tell you the truth early on.  They're mainly afraid you will run away, instead of comming up with the funds, or asking for creative alternatives to raise the funds.  

    Any book regarding HOME BUYING from a reputable book store will give you the full story.  Good Luck.

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