
Im pursuing my degree in social work. everyone tells me that the pay sucks. Is that really true?

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I mean, what constitutes sucky pay, anyways? any thoughts from other social workers in the field would be fabulous. thanks!




  1. It depends on who you work for and what you're looking for in the area.  If you're looking to make it rich no that's not the reason to go into social work, if you want to be able to support yourself and if you enjoy working with people my sister with 20+years of experience behind her makes about 92 thousand a year and that's here in NYC.  So a lot depends on who you work for where you live and what you want to accomplish in your life. My sister is a LCSW with her masters from Chicago U in 1981.

  2. Most people that get into that field aren't in it for the money.  They want to help people and feel that the salary is a thats not to say that they'd do it for free but ask yourself this......why do you want to go into social it for the money or to help people. From what I understand the 35000 to 45000 range is about right but it will also depend on where you work and if you work for a non profit, government, or other employer.

  3. I am not a social worker but I once worked in a social work agency. The pay was low, I understand, but vacation time was above average.

  4. Wal-Mart probably has better benefits too if you can get on full time.  And what's more interesting is that most of the people working at Wal-Mart have social sciences degrees.  I actually have a social sciences degree and it's pretty much worth less than what I paid for it.  Seriously if you look at the present value of a college education compared to the amount of money you'll earn over time with an MSW, you might as well drop out and join a reggae band.

  5. Ok, the pay sucks! I had a masters in Social Work and worked at a non-profit mental health agency for nearly 5 years. I started with around $32,000 and when I left I was making $35,000. The cost of living here is expensive so this was peanuts! You may be able to do better if you get a job in social work administration or work for the federal government.

  6. You go girl.   The pay can range from $45,000 to start up to $60.000 a year.  But it's not the pay that will make it worth all the work and time, it will be the people whom you'll help that will make it worth every cent and more.  You didn't specify if it was for children/teens or adults.  But I one of my friends, went on to get her masters in social work.  She works for  The Children's Aid  Society and she says not only enjoys her job and pay.  But it's the smile on the children's faces and when they would say "thank you for listening"

    "thank you for always being here when I needed someone to talk too"  She would say that that it self was worth it all.

    Best of luck,


  7. Yes

    You can expect to make >$30,000

    And really go nowhere from there

    It is only a job for those who are passionate about helping people, you WILL NOT get rich.

  8. yea but if u wanna help other people then go for it

  9. With a BSW you can expect to make 20-40K with an MSW 30-60K.  After 5 years BSW 30-50K and MSW 40-80K

    This is not bad pay - now you can certainly make more in business - but for MA degrees in the human services - the MSW pays better than any other.


  10. I'm a social worker, in Kansas. I make a decent living for me and two kids, granted everyone could use more money nowadays, but it definatly is liveable.

  11. You could make more as a cashier at Walmart.

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