
Im questioning my sexuality! please help!?

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okay so im 15 and im not sure if i like guys or girls.

when im hanging out with girls, i like guys, but when im with guys, i think of girls

i have crushes on boys and girls.

but im not sure what im attracted too.

im really self consious about it.

i dont think that i should feel ashamed or embarrassed about it either, but it seems as though that is what its leading too.




  1. ur straight trust me, ur jst thinking too much

  2. id wait a little longer and see who u meet whom u start to develop feelings for

  3. hey this is quinton aagian i think you should go with the flow not take anyones opinion its you that wants to be g*y bi L*****n or streight, if you want i can talk to you and we could be freinds i am fully g*y and yeah so give me your e-mail or something and what you said erlier was sweet and made me want to talk to you!

  4. Meh, look at some p**n and find your answer :)

    Your allowed to like both just so you know! :D Very common too actually. s*x is something not set in stone, you can like anything and you can always find things out about yourself.  

  5. maybe you are bisexual.... or maybe that you are just going through a faze and you are yet to settle down to your true sexuality.

    I was 20 before i realised I was bi and that was only because I never considered it.  Sexuality is not an either or situation

  6. Your maybe bisexual.


  7. I think you're bi, but I could be wrong. You could be either g*y or straight and just curious about the other s*x. Just give it some time and see which one you like the best. You may like both which would make you bisexual of course.


  8. You're curious at this age you want to experiment with guys

    you might be straight and this might just be a phase or you might be bi

  9. Have some trust in yourself as a person - you are experiencing feelings in both directions.  Try to let it be just as it is.  Stay open to all possibilities while allowing your sexuality to continue emerging.  It is said that by doing this, you have no need to feel guilt or shame.  Allowing the process unfold will lead to your inner discovery and your sexuality will emerge just as it is meant to.

  10. Give yourself a break.  Maybe your Straight, Bi or g*y, but at the end of the day you'll figure it out.  Just go along with what feels natural at the time and stop torturing yourself for a label.  Labels are not important, whats important is that your happy and enjoying your life.

    Just relax and take what comes.

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