
Im raising my niece and i need advice from what age should you start giving a baby table food

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Im raising my niece and i need advice from what age should you start giving a baby table food




  1. i've always given my babies homecooked food from 4 months, but generally i started table foods around 6 months when foods are less limited!

  2. how old is she first of all .i found at about 5 or 6 months you can start the table food blend it to a puree , no added salt or sugar should be added ,try finger foods with her stick carrots cucumber , most foods would be suitable ,remember food should be fun  

  3. When the baby starts showing some real interest.  Not just curiosity, but really starts GRABBING for your food.

    Each child is different, and "normal" is a WIDE range of ages, so don't let the calendar get you worried.  Babies don't read books and don't listen to experts and manage to get along just fine without them.

    Beware the Expert Syndrome.  Too many people these days can't think for themselves.  Always have to be asking some "expert".

  4. I started giving my son Gerber Puffs right around 6 months, they dissolve in their mouths so it's easy for them to learn to chew/swallow.

    Then, at 7 months, I moved on to soft fruits/veggies.  Now, at 9 months, my son eats meats, even small bites of steak!

    He only has two bottom teeth, so please don't think having/not having teeth is an issue for feeding baby solids.

  5. Usually it's a little under a year, starting with real mild foods.  However, you should probably talk to her pediatrician to make sure there are no concerns first.  He will be able to advise you on when to start and what to start with.

  6. 9 or 10 months you can give rice, beans mashed potatos, bananas...and add on as you see her getting bigger and getting more teeth

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