
Im ready to do my first water change how do i do it?

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i have a 10 gallon tank and i want to do my first water change how big of a water change should i do? please put in detales and discribe how to do it please.




  1. you need to get a gravel siphon if your tank has not been setup for over a month and hasn't completly cycled then do a 25 percent and do not touch the gravel you can get your local pet store to show you how to use the gravel siphon

  2. AMY K wrote exactally what I would have.  I have had my 55 gal. fish tank for over 7 years.......  Good advice AMY K

  3. you should just emty out most of your water but keep a little so that way your fish wont mind as much.Then use clean water to fill it up.

  4. omg if djv is a fish expert he must be an exspert at how to kill fish because the last thing you ever do is remove the fish to clean a tank the first 2 and third anwsers cover it all

  5. My two cents:

    From what I've seen and heard, you should do a 10%-15% change of water about once a week, and never replace more than around 30%-40% of the water at one time, because that removes the bacteria that the fish need.

  6. For the first time, do not take the fish out of the tank. take out just enough water so that it leaves the fish were they are able to still be underwater and stable, and then add new water. your fish may be hesistant to the new water and stay where they where, but they'll eventually get the hang of it and start swimming around.

  7. You need a Gravel cleaner for your gravel and a bucket. A deseise cleaner. Glass cleaner for your glass. You have to take out 75% of water.

  8. I'm a fish expert and had all diffrent types of fish, what you should do is take the fish out. put some of the dirty water in a cup. pour out the rest of the water, clean out t he rocks really good, fill it with water. But don't fill it all the way.then pour the dirty water in. This will prevent from your fish from going into shock. Let the water become room temp. then put you fish in. you should probably change the filter cartridge.

    If you use flacet water, buy some biostract conditioner to kill all the harmful minerals.

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