
Im real stumped.?

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ive been wanting a jenday conure for atleast six months now, and reserched about them that whole time too, but looking into the sun conures, im not sure wich one to get.... suns can be real loud sometimes, but have nice colours too? jendays have greener wings, but are quieter and sweeter? they are both very playful, my cousins sun is, but hes also very nippy too. wich one would be best? say the differences between both jendays and suns. dont just say oh get this one. have reasons. i just want to know which one is most cuddly and cute, payful and beautiful...




  1. I like sun conures colors! They are gorgeous. my friend has a green cheek conure, and It isn't loud at all.

  2. i have a conure and all the research that i did did not differentiate between the species that much. all conures are beautiful and energetic. my mickey is a comedian but dont touch his food bowl or water dish! thats when he is the loudest! conures are not recommended if you live in an apartment. my mickey is louder than my macaw!!!!

  3. Sun Conures have a reputation for being noisey, they are pretty though.  I guess it would depend on your tolerance for noise.  I have a Nanaday Conure and for the most part she is quiet, although if she see someone outside, the screeching is fairly unpleasant and I have to cover her for awhile.  Her personality is great though.

  4. I have worked in two pet stores, and I love birds. Conures are not my favorite, but if you are looking for a sweet, playful, comedic, beautiful bird, I would go with a Rainbow Lorikeet. They are nector eaters though, so they do not (cannot) eat seed, and since thier intake is mostly fruit/juice/soft veggies it makes the droppings extreemly runny, and they go more often. But to me, thier personality is more than  worth thier mess.

    If you are insistant on getting a conure, I would go with the Jenday. Conures in most instances are nippy and have more of an persistant personality, and are less understanding, but the jenday is less so than the sun.

  5. I'm not sure where your getting your information from, but Sun conures are supposed to be sweeter...I don't think either one can be considered quieter...they're both loud!  And messy!

    The most cuddly, cute, playful one would be a hand fed bird...all birds have their own personalities and you need to get a hand fed bird from a reputable breeder so that you can see the personalities of the birds before you buy one.
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