I have a flatmate who pretty much keeps himself to himself and always pays rent on time because he has a steady Job
The other day there, he was ironing a shirt in his room, then he went out, saying he would be away for a couple of days.
next day, I needed to iron a shirt, but he left the iron and the ironing board in his room. We have an "agreement" that if I need to access his room for any reason, then I can, so I went in to retrieve my ironing stuff.
When I was in the room, I noticed something strange. . . down on the floor by the bed, was a pestal and mortar, my pestal and mortar which I had never used for ages because it was more ornamental because it was made of nice marble. I went over to it, and there seemed to be residue of white powder, and I am trying to think if I ever used it to mix up cornflour a couple of years ago, I have a feeling I might have done, but at the same time, I can't help but get this feeling that he's used it to cut some drugs. I don't want to confront him because I may be wrong, but I don't know what to do next. What if it is drugs and the police raid my home ? I don't know what to do,