
Im really Scared and don't know what to do. Sensitive Subject.?

by  |  earlier

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I have a flatmate who pretty much keeps himself to himself and always pays rent on time because he has a steady Job

The other day there, he was ironing a shirt in his room, then he went out, saying he would be away for a couple of days.

next day, I needed to iron a shirt, but he left the iron and the ironing board in his room. We have an "agreement" that if I need to access his room for any reason, then I can, so I went in to retrieve my ironing stuff.

When I was in the room, I noticed something strange. . . down on the floor by the bed, was a pestal and mortar, my pestal and mortar which I had never used for ages because it was more ornamental because it was made of nice marble. I went over to it, and there seemed to be residue of white powder, and I am trying to think if I ever used it to mix up cornflour a couple of years ago, I have a feeling I might have done, but at the same time, I can't help but get this feeling that he's used it to cut some drugs. I don't want to confront him because I may be wrong, but I don't know what to do next. What if it is drugs and the police raid my home ? I don't know what to do,




  1. The only thing i can think of is just asking him, i think it's the only way you're gonna find out-i mean it's his room.

  2. why don't you to do a nite in witha few beers n start asking each other questions like 1st gf? 1st shag? 1st nite out on the twn? have you ever done this? have you ever done that? oh you dabble with drugs from time to time? you don't do it in the house do you? oh mate im sorry i don't agree with that not in the house can you you not do it in the house please? and also depends what kinda drugs it is most of em it's ok for personal use, but if you you really don't agree with it ask him to leave or you'll go to the police

  3. The drugs are in his room and you are not responsible for his criminal activity. You could ask him and tell him that you don't want it in your home or there may be an innocent explanation

  4. Just do it, man, just do it. Confront him. Don't let yourself stress out if there isn't a need. Make sure to know if it's drugs, because then you can prevent police raid and maybe get the that dude in rehab.

  5. why do you have to do anything, its none of your business maybe he just takes drugs for his own use who cares if the police raid your flat you know nothing about it your not breaking the law.

    if i was you i would forget about it, if you go telling tails you might drop him in it and that will mess everything up

  6. I don't know anything about drugs, but wouldn't it be prescription or legal drugs that are already in tablet form that he would crush up? I thought illegal drugs were all in powder form anyway or not needed to be crushed? I could be wrong though. I can't take tablets whole. If it wasn't a legal drug, would he be that stupid to leave it in your equiptment?

  7. If your flatmate isn't comfortable enough with you to tell you (if he does have drugs) then it's not really something you want to bring up first.

    You could find some reason to use the mortar & pestle and casually ask at some point if he has seen it as it is not in the kitchen or wherever you placed it.  He may tell you what he was using it for, or he might not.

    There is no need to be afraid, if there actually are drugs in your flat, just make sure there aren't any in your room.  You can always plead ignorance of them and submit to drug tests to prove you are clean.

  8. Okay, no, first of all DO NOT bring it to the d**n police and "turn in your friend" second of all, you don't even know what it is. I say just ask him, let him know you're just curious, say something like "it's your business, but ever since I saw it Ive just been so curious" and who knows, he may just laugh at you and explain how it was just some spice mixture or something. Honestly, don't get all stressed out about it, you may be working yourself up for nothing, it may turn out to be something so silly. I'm sure if you guys share a house, you're pretty good friends, and I'm sure he'll have no problem telling you.

    ps: If your friend was on drugs, of any kind, you would absolutely know, trust me.

  9. you really should do something.  The what ifs will eat you alive.  You can either be sly about it and say, hey, I noticed my mortar and pestal are not where they used to be, do you know what happened to it?  or you can come right out and say when I went to retrieve the iron from your room I noticed a white residue in my mortar and pestal, and I want to know what it is.  Or, you can take it to someone who would know what drugs are what and turn him in.  Either way, you need to find out what is going on.  

  10. why would he have pulled the pestle and mortar out? surely you wash things up before you put them away? but having said that what drugs do you need to grind up? i have no idrea ive never taken drugs.

    the very best thing to do in your case is either confront him outright, or purchase a narcotics testing kit on ebay- theyre not that expencive and test it.

    if it turns out to be drugs then evict him no questions asked, if it does turn out to be cornflour then just casually ask him why it was in his room for- this could be totally innocent so dont jump to conclusions- and if he as a drugs barron there would be alot more than some white powder on a pestle and mortar!

    calm down!

  11. Protect yourself first, try to get a sample of the 'powder' and take to your local police station, tell them the absolute truth, you will then be safe.

    They will analise it and if it is innocent your flat mate will never know, if it is drugs, he will get his just deserts.

    I know of sixty people who have died in the past two years through drug abuse since I left re-hab for alcoholism.

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