
Im really bad at guitar its not funny.?

by Guest66003  |  earlier

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im 13 and i just started like a month ago. teacher gave me some sheet music "in my life" by the beatles. i can play it VERY well with chords considering the fact i barely started.but when he makes me play the notes, im TOTALLY LOST. its embarassing too. he even cut the lesson a bit short cause i was doing so bad and he was laughing. ughh i practice EVERY minute of EVERY day right. i just suck..




  1. Keep practicing! That's all you can really do. Try curving your fingers a bit more too, so you don't mute or hit an unwanted string. Goodluck!

    Do not be afraid to ask your teacher questions, either! After all, that's what he is there for!!!

  2. well its not like youll be able to tap like van halen in a week and know how to read every note of music in a month it takes time to read music and its not easy and its ONLY been a month and r u memorizing the song or the notes? if your memorizing the song thats why your doing so bad and your probably not even doing that bad for only a month  and if you did practice every minute of everyday and still dont get it then i dont think your memorising notes

    God Bless

  3. First off, a teacher NEVER cut a lesson short. He may stop you from playing the song, but he'll take it down a notch and ask you your opinions on how you did.

    My guitar teacher laughs at me sometimes, but it's a different story. I know he's not mocking me or making fun.

    I think you're exagerrating about the "every minute of every day" bit. But really, it can be one of two things why you can't get the note part:

    1) Your teacher didn't go over how to read notes with you

    2) You don't know how to practice (ie. you don't know how to make the most of your practice time)

    Solution for problem 1 is simple:

    Your teacher should know what you have trouble on without even asking and WORK with you on it. He should be helping you. If you don't see much progress or if you have to bring it up to HIM, I suggest you find a new teacher.

    Solution for problem 2 is this:

    Break the song into manageable pieces and play each measure one at a time. Play the first measure until you get it perfect, then do the same with the second. Afterwards, put the two together. Do the same process with the third, fourth, fifth, etc. measures.

    If you're getting frustrated with a measure, take a five minute break then get back to it. You'll be able to think clearly.

    Just 15 minutes a day, everyday, will help you.

  4. what's your question?

    you started a MONTH ago.  no one picks it up that quick.  keep going.  s***w your teacher.

  5. Grasping music theory for the guitar can be torture at times, but it can be done, provided your instruction begins with the basics and gives you opportunity to learn.

    I've found that a good way to learn to play notes for the guitar is from using Hal Leonard's Beginner Guitar Method #1. It's a book having basic chords, care and maintenance, and music theory with exercises that provide a good and thorough method in learning notation.

    Try not to feel embarrassed over something that isn't taught well. Remember, if the student failed to learn, the teacher failed to teach.

  6. Your problem here isn't that you're bad at guitar, as I gather. It's that you can't read notes. Reading notes takes A LOT of practice! There is no easy way out except to practice, I'm afraid...

    That being said, however, your confidence level does play a large part in it. Never underestimate the power of slow practice. Meaning that when you practice, you play it almost absurdly slow, then work your way up to actual tempo. This plays an important part in training your muscle memory for the piece and increases your confidence level.

    Your teacher may be making you feel self-conscious and embarrassed by laughing at you. It's up to you to be strong, or to develop the skill of laughing with him when you twang off.

    Lastly, give yourself as much time as you need. Remember the Chinese fable about a farmer who gave all his crops a tug to make them taller, faster. Of course they all died. Some things just can't be rushed.

    Hope I helped, and best of luck with your guitar pursuit!

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