
Im really bad at studying and i need some tips and i cant stay focused on my work someone please help?

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im failing alot of my class cuz im not good at studying and i cant stay focused




  1. You need to take breaks, don't study for three hours straight. I like to take breaks every 15 or 30 minutes, it gives you something to look forward too when you study and when you take a break it takes off some of the stress from studying.

    I recommend eating something before you study, that way you can eliminate all distractions. Shut off your phone, I pod, anything else that can distract you. If you have younger siblings that might annoy you, you can put on headphones w/ out music or sometimes it helps to just leave home and go to the library.  

    Good Luck

  2. study at the library.

    pay attention in class... you learn best if you hear it first... try teaching the material to someone else

  3. Make yourself a designted study area. Remove all clutter and distractions that ar around you such as cell phones music, magazines, msn etc. Make it a comfortable place so that it is easier to stay there for a while. I have a big comfy chair in my room that i use to study only. Make sure your lighting is not too dim because this strains the eyes and also makes you sleepy!

    also, try to do your studying right when you gt home rather than procrastinating. if you jump right in to studying you are less likely to talk yourself out of studying. you will have less time to realize how much you hate to study lol.

    I also find its nice to have a cup of tea when studying. the cafein keeps me going and its a nice mood lifter while studying!

    good luck!

  4. Just dont get distracted. I did my hard work over the school year and now i'm relaxed for the summer. Remember no distractions.

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