
Im really depressed..i feel so unloved?

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i want to be home schooled sooo badly because everyone makes me feel so stupid and i always feel so alone at my school, i have friends but i never see them =[

my mom agreed i could probably be home schooled 2 weeks ago but she said it would take a while to figure it all out, but she is taking forever and barely even trying to help me, she keeps saying just be patient its not that big of a deal but its gotten to the point where i have been cutting myself and making myself puke all the time, idk why im doing this but it just makes me feel better i guess, my mom doesnt think i should be homeschooled and thinks i have no reason to be home schooled but being at school really sucks for me, im afraid to try and be smart because if i get it wrong everyone will make fun of me because they all think im dumb, i just want to be able to learn without all this fear of being laughed at all the time, im already going through enough because my dad died and my mom acts like she loves my sis more then me, if im really upset and crying my mom will get mad at me but if my sis is upset my mom hugs her and is really nice to her! and my sis is way older then me so i dont get it =[, and if i tell my mom about how it makes me feel she gets really mad and says how could you ever think i love ur sister more, but she acts like she does! i dont know what to do anymore i feel so alone, im taking meds for depression and seeing a pyschiatrist but i still feel sad, i just want to be home schooled and for my mom to treat me equally 2 my sister

what should i do???




  1. be strong and take life as it is handed to you.

    when you can't get the things you want, it is better to just accept it. that's what made me stronger, it made me indifferent to the things i can't change.

  2. Im sorry for your situation hun! Kids are so mean in school! Maybe you could go to one of your school counselors and ask them to help you find out about homeschool. Tell them how you're feeling and that you really need some help because your Mom isn't going to help you. You are NOT dumb! Don't ever believe that-other people are just really mean and insecure with themselves so they pick on others and make fun and call other people names so that they aren't called names or made fun of. They also do it because they are way unhappy with themselves inside. Just know that you are a smart, wonderful person that has every right to excel in life and enjoy life. I know you're going thru a hard time right now but life isn't always so difficult-especially when you get older(people mature and its easier to make friends). Just concentrate on getting good grades because thats what will get you ahead in life and make you happy one day! In the meantime, don't worry about other people's opinions of you or what they say-in the long run it doesn't matter. You won't know those kids in a few years. Just be yourself and do what you want to do, say what you want to say. If someone laughs or makes fun of you in class-**** em! They are probably just jealous of you or like i said before, insecure with themselves! Good Luck :)

  3. if someone bothers u send em to me and i will kick their a**!!!!

  4. my brother kinda goes through that with my dad. i don't understand why he does it... my brother's older than me, and for some reason my dad likes me more. does your mom have more in common with your sister? you could also run away, go stay with a friend for a while, and then maybe your mom would come to her senses. i DO think you should stop cutting yourself though, and making yourself puke is really bad for you, especially if it's gotten so bad that its involuntary.

  5. slug'em in the mouth.


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