
Im really mad at this one girl (i see dead people)??

by  |  earlier

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she is apparently black and she posted a question on beauty and style that says white girls are fat, ugly, have yellow teeth and have acne among other things that she said. and i was going to comment her on it but she deleted the question when i tried to hit submit

what do you think of this when someone says that about white girl??

and if the i see dead people girl is reading this, this is what i have to say to you

personally i think black women are a disgrace. they are known for having s*x to get money, having 3 children before they hit the age 19 welfare checks, living off of other peoples money and you can see their sweat and their acne bumps in high lighting.

how did that make you feel.

sorry but your being biased. black people dont run america whites do


note, i dont mean to make other black girls feel bad but im just pissed thats all




  1. wow you sure are mad!!

  2. Wow.  I just want to say BRAVO to everyone who wouldn't let either of these racists comments be acceptable.

    It is a breathe of fresh air to see people speak out and say this is wrong instead of keeping quiet and let things fester.

    It makes me proud to be an American and African-American.


  3. All I have to say is, if you don't like rude things being said to you about your race, then why the h_______ell would you go and say sh_____it about another race?

    YOU are the one being ignorant.

  4. i am completely on your side.i tryed to write an answer too. this made me so mad.

    this is what i wrote:this girl is f**ked up.i am white and more gorgeous than you could ever be!!!!!!my personal opinion is complete opposite to you. but do i just go out there and say it. well i just did. every race has every type in it. personal opinion is not i say that all black girls have nasty attitudes, big butts, 6 kids that get money from the state rather than their drug dealing baby daddy.i could go what would you say. i hope you get mad as h**l. YOU NEED HELP.

    so this is what i wanted to say to that girl. and to all thoses who said - oh you are just as bad. these kinds of people need a reality check and need their own c**p thrown back at them. maybe they will see how screwed up they are.

  5. Yeah i read that dude just turn the other cheek i bet she was like 12 and im not even white im hispanic  

  6. Why is everyone being so racist? What the h**l?

  7. i don't think that she was right but you're being worse or at least just as bad as she is. no she shouldn't have done that, but you don't need to stoop down to her level and do the same thing. if it's not alright for her to be racist then what makes it right for you to be. so before you go ranting on about other people you should take a look in the mirror. You shouldn't be pissed off cause you're doing the same thing, and you know personally I'm more pissed off at you then at her. You could of used this as an opportunity to voice your opinion and show people that this isn't right, but instead you choose to keep racism going.

  8. Dude. Don't hate. It was extremely wrong of her to say those things but you shouldn't sink down to her level and say the same things about her race!


  9. Ok first of all i would like to point out that, yes she was wrong for saying that, but now you've made it worse by being racist back, so I can't really help you know. sorry

  10. I know what you mean but its still not an excuse to say that about African Americans even if you are mad.  not all "black" women are a disgrace, every race has "beautiful" women and "unattractive" women.

    their are a lot young people on yahoo answers that read this type of things and get the wrong idea so if you or "i see dead people" are reading this stop the hating and get on with your life this isn't a site for racism its a site for ANSWERS.

  11. you and her are the same.

  12. How are YOU any different than her by talking about "Black" people ???  

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